Ask me a question

My latest book is Razzmatazz (published by Otter Barry). It’s a collection of my best and most requested poems. All together in one book. 

You can use the comments box below to ask me questions. They can be about Poetry Zone matters or general questions about writing poetry. I’ll do my best to answer them for you.

Roger Stevens

243 Responses to “Ask me a question”

  • Sally. K

    Hi Roger,
    Just asking, why don’t you accept over-sea entries? I wrote a poem, and my teacher said you cant do that. 🙂

    • Roger Stevens

      Well, you can, Sally. We have lots of poems here from America, India… all over the place. You can enter our competition too. Poems do have to be in English though.

        • Roger Stevens

          Sorry. Sorry. Sorry… been so busy. I will try and get one sorted son.

          • Daisy W

            It’s fine, I am just a bit too competitve

        • ruby

          Hi is there going to be anymore competitions because iv’e just recently join and i really want to enter one

        • Katelyn Kearney

          Yes i really want to enter a competition please make one when you can Thank you

        • Roger Stevens

          No. I always have lots of ideas in my notebook. If I get stuck on one thing I go on to something else. And if I REALLY can’t think of the next thing to write I write loads of RUBBISH. The first things that come into my head. The physical act of writing, even if it’s nonsense, will help free your stuck brain.

          • chelsea

            same when i work so i am get some to have my stress on you should try

    • Daisy W

      Hi Roger,
      This is Daisy Woods.
      I have sent a few poems in to Poetryzone. I would just like to say thank you for putting my poems up and for the inspiration you have given me.

        • Daisy W

          You’ve got it. I love The poetry zone. Please could you come to our school and maybe do an assembly.

          • Roger Stevens

            Of course. I’d love to. Your teacher has to email me on this Poetry Zone email.

    • Daisy Woods

      I just would like to say, Happy Valentine’s Day everyone (especially my boyfriend).

          • Daisy W

            Hey Roger ,or if you prefer Rodge, as we all know it’s getting to Christmastime which means that the next competition (the annual Christmas competition) is about to begin! Or is it! May we please have a date for this upcoming event.
            Yours Faithfully,
            Daisy W
            (A budding poet)

          • Daisy W

            Hey Roger,
            When is the Christmas competition?

  • Katie Clayton

    I love writing poetry. The things that inspire me are my surroundings and natural every day things. Could I ask you what inspires you to write?

  • Roger Stevens

    A good question, Katie. I don’t know. It can be anything. Something I see. Something I hear. Something evokes a memory. One thing I do – and I’d advise every poet and writer to do – is to ALWAYS carry a notebook with you. You never know when inspiration will strike.

  • Josh R.

    Hi Roger! I am starting to write poetry and I would like some tips on what I should do.

    P.S. Can you visit Gunton Primary Academy again? We would love it if you come again!

  • Roger Stevens

    Hi Josh. I’d love to visit again. You’ll have to ask your teacher about that! If you go to “Teacher Zone” on the homepage and then click on “Model Poems” – you should find lots of great ideas for writing poems. I look forward to reading some new poems from you. Good luck.

  • Brooke

    Hi Rodger it is Brooke from one of your workshops or Muddy as you called me just wondering if you would be able to give some top tips on writing poems thank you

  • Roger Stevens

    Hi Brooke. Good to hear from you. The workshops was fun. Click on “Teacher Zone” in the menu, then click on Top Ten Tips for Writing Verse. That should give you some ideas.

  • Chiamaka

    This book is absolutely hilarious. Why would you want tea with a rabbit.

  • Roger Stevens

    Well, the rabbit might be your best friend. You might be a hedgehog for example.

    • Abinaya

      hi rogers stevens,I was reading dork diaries
      what are you reading .your books is amazing.

      • Roger Stevens

        John Dougherty books. Funny stories. Excellent poems. Check him out.

    • Roger Stevens

      Well, it’s a big part of my life. I just enjoy being creative and writing. I write stories and songs as well. I keep a notebook, and I’m always thinking of things to write in it. Once you get started sometimes it’s hard to stop.

    • Roger Stevens

      Hi Gregory. If you click on the Teacher Zone, then Model Poems – you’ll find lots of good ideas to help you write different kinds of poems. I hope you’ll send any new poems you write to The Poetry Zone.

  • Ashni

    HI Roger, what made you want to become a poet? And could any one get into the business just like That???

    • Roger Stevens

      At school I liked all things creative. Writing stories and poems, writing songs and playing in a band and painting. I was a teacher once upon a time and started writing poems for children and they became very popular and I started getting poems into anthologies. If you want to be a poet – start by making your own poetry books. Sell them, or give them, to friends and family. That’s how I began.

  • Zara

    Hi Roger I was wondering how you come up with poems and what helps you make them a good poem?

    • Roger Stevens

      I see and hear ideas for poems all the time. You have to keep a look-out though, to recognise them. I then write them in my notebook. A notebook is very important, and I keep mine with me always. When I’ve written a poem I first check that it actually makes sense, and that I haven’t just written something just because it rhymes. Then I say it aloud, to hear if it flows nicely and sounds good. Then I check my spelling. Sometimes it turns out to be a good poem, and sometimes it doesn’t. If you write lots you’ll find that you have some good ones, some not very good ones and some okay ones. I hope that is useful.

    • Roger Stevens

      Hi Elouise. We now judge the winners. I will then put all the poems up in the PZ, and announce the winners. The winners will then receive their prize. Good luck.

    • Roger Stevens

      Runners up are people who didn’t quite win but were very good. In a race you may have come second or third. No prize but very well done!

  • Jessie

    Hi Roger, can you please please help me try to understand meter? I have my poem all planned out but i am struggling to identify stressed and unstressed syllables and therefore it’s not flowing as I would like! Many thanks Jessie P.S. I’m a HUGE fan x

    • Roger Stevens

      Hi Jessie. Well, it depends on the poem. If you are writing blank verse, or a sonnet, then the stress you put on syllables is important. Otherwise it’s simply about the sound of the poem. Say it aloud. You want the emphasis as you say it to fall naturally in line with the rhythm of the poem. How does it FEEL? It just has to have a nice, smooth sound as you read it.

  • kiera garrett

    hi roger I like your poems a lot and I just wanted to say thank you for do this website and commenting on my poems 😉

  • kiera garrett

    hi roger can you do a poem about me kiera if not possible its okay I don’t mind

    • Roger Stevens

      I’m sorry, Kiera, that cannot be done
      For I have to go and play in the sun
      And if I wrote one for you
      And you know this is true
      I’d have to write poems for everyone
      (Ooops, looks I’ve just gone and written one)

  • Levi


  • Sudesh Thapa

    Hi Roger, how are you? Do you accept poems of people aged 26 and above? Just asking it because i had sent few poems to you in the last few days but it is not published yet.

    • Roger Stevens

      Sorry, Sudesh, no. It’s a children’s site. But good luck sending your poems elsewhere.

  • Akifah

    Roger please can you give feedback on my poems and give me extraordinary tips that’ll improve my work. My poems have been published quite a lot so I am used to your site.

    • Roger Stevens

      Hi Akifah. remind me where St Andrews is. And as I said, send me three poems to my Poetry Zone email address and I’ll tell you what I think.

  • Hitanshi

    Hello Roger, how are you? Can you please check out my poems and give suggestions on how to improve it . Your suggestions would really encourage me to write much better poems.

  • Tazkia

    Hi Roger! I’m a runner up for your contest, and I thought I’d just ask f you could edit my surname, as it is not spelt correctly! Thank you!

    • Roger Stevens

      Hi Lana. The new competition is to write a poem about the Moon. The winners will be featured in the Poetry Zone in the summer. Why not have a go at writing one yourself? Go to our competition page to see the details.

  • alana ellison

    hi roger do you do school assemblies if so please may you get in touch with new swannington primary school i dont go any more but it would be nice if you could the students there love poetry and would like you to go

    • Roger Stevens

      Hi Alana. I’d love to go there again. You could suggest it to your old teacher if you go back any time.

  • Lolol

    Hi it’s sophie I want to say thnxs because u inspired my bro and I to write poems. As they been put up it incourge us more

    • Roger Stevens

      I started when I was at school. Just like you. I used to make little poetry books and give them to my friends and family.

    • Roger Stevens

      Ah. I don’t really understand how that works. I’ll ask the person who does the technical website stuff. I’ll try and get it sorted for next year.

  • Caleb

    hi roger, canyou make a poem about errors and/ot glitches? P.S if not plz make a poem about poems

    • Roger Stevens

      Hi Caleb. That’s a good idea. I’ll have a think about it. I’m enjoying your poems by the way. And your comments. One of which, you’ll see, I’ve taken notice of. Thanks.

  • lexy

    Roger I was just wondering if there is any more competitions. Could you please give me an update when there is another competition.

    • Roger Stevens

      Good question. Yes, I think we should have a new competition. I’ll have a think.

  • lexy

    Roger I was also wondering if you got a poem that I made called nobody can stop me.

  • lexy

    Also do you remember when you done that video called How Can I Be Lonely,i was wondering if I could write a poem similar to your song I would make a few changes .I was just wondering because I wouldn’t like to post a poem that was based on your song with out asking for permission.

    • Roger Stevens

      Yes, that’d be fun. It’s okay to do that as long as you mention where it’s from.

  • Jeffery

    Hi Roger,
    This is Jeffery.
    I loved the way you had the name ‘waggiest of tails’!

  • Jeffery

    how many poems have you written?
    and why did you start writing poems?

    • Roger Stevens

      I’ve written over a thousand poems. (I’ve been writing for a long time!) I don’t know why I started. It’s just something I’ve always loved doing.

  • Iliana

    Hi Roger Stevens! You’re a huge inspiration to me, and like you, I LOVE WRITING POEMS! Here’s my question: What are the qualities to be a successful poet? Thank you so much! ♥

    • Roger Stevens

      Hi Iliana. I think the first thing is – you need to read lots of poetry. By lots of different types of poets. Old poets, new poets. Next, just write lots. Try and write something every day. And lastly – keep a notebook. Keep it by you at all times. You never know when you’ll see something, or hear something, that might become a poem or part of a poem. Good luck.

  • Iris W

    When is the next competition me and my sister Daisy W would like to know.

  • millie q

    hi roger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    what is your faverioute poem ever?

    • Roger Stevens

      Wow! That’s a VERY difficult question. I’ll have to give that some thought.

  • Lexy

    Thanks Roger for putting my poem “little brother” up. I was just wondering if there is another competition?

  • Lexy

    Thanks Roger for putting my poem “Little Brother’’ up on the web.

  • Lexy

    Hi Roger I was just wondering if we could all show pictures of our pets and write a poem about our pet. For example , my pet has something four, my pet ‘s name is …, my pet’s age is….

    • Roger Stevens

      Sending pictures might be tricky. You could certainly write a poem about your pet though.

      • Lexy

        Thanks Roger that’s grand. I was just wondering you know when you enter you’re competition do you send an email to my mum or dad?

    • Roger Stevens

      In England – I’d say Brighton. In the World? I’d say Barcelona.

  • Lexy

    Hi Roger, it’s Lexy. I was just wondering when are the resaults for the competition?.
    Thank you.

    • Roger Stevens

      Hi Lexy. Well, the competition will be judged in August, when the competition is finished. The winners and the best of the poems will be shown here on the PZ. I shall send an email to the email address you provide me with to all the winners. Hope that helps. Remember, you can send more than one entry. Good luck.

    • Roger Stevens

      Hi again Lexy. Just checking. is it a poem that begins… The people who are there to support me all the time.
      The masters of telling tales.
      As if I’ve committed a crime!.

    • Roger Stevens

      The six best poems entered in the competition win a copy of the book.

  • Lexy

    Hi Roger, it’s Lexy here. None of the poems you just mentioned are mine.But it doesn’t matter I think I’ll just leave my poem on . I talked to Mum about it and told here that she’d get an email if I won and she said it was ok. Thanks for your help anyway.
    Besides I might not win but I would really like too.
    Good Luck to everybody on the web.

  • Lexy

    By the way my poem is called “My Family”.
    I would like to keep it up though.
    Thanks Roger for your help.

    • Roger Stevens

      Family and Friends. Go to the competition page and you’ll see.

      • Lexy

        Hi Roger I know your very busy right now and your getting a lot more poems now that people are at home due to COVID-19. But I was just wondering what date are the competitions on ?. You did say they were being announced in August. No rush at all just curious to see if I won.

        • Roger Stevens

          Hi Lexy. We should have the winners by the end of the week. Good luck.

  • kitty

    hi roger, I was just wondering why I have a sad face as my little photo next to my name? I am a happy person!

    • Roger Stevens

      I don’t know, Kitty. Those little pictures are out of my control. I will have to ask my webmaster person. I’ll see what he has to say. And I’m pleased that you are a happy person.

  • kitty

    btw I really like your poems, and I like writing poems too, and I also love writing stories

  • Charlottei

    is there a limit to writing poems for the competition?

  • bernice

    hey roger, do you have to do all poems in school or can you do it at home because I found out this website when I was in lockdown.

    • Roger Stevens

      No. You can write poems at home. And send them from home too. I’ll look forward to seeing your poems.

  • samiksha

    hi roger, i love writing poems and stories and i have started writing 3 novels, i always go on a daydream and if some one describes something i see it in front of me. that is how i got this idea of writing stories and poems. my question is where and how did you get the idea of writing poems? oh and every time you comment on my poems i get so exited. and i love them. thanks for that.

    • Roger Stevens

      Good luck with your writing. Well the best piece of advice is this – and I say it often – always have a notebook with you, to catch the good poems as they fly round and about your head.

  • Hollie ( Harriet)

    Hi roger I recently joined this website and would like to now how it works. Thanks.

    • Roger Stevens

      Hi Hollie. It’s very simple. You send a poem. I will publish it. I will edit it, just like it would be if it was going in a book. Sometimes I might make a comment. You may comment on others’ poems. And enter our competitions. Good luck.

  • Shifa Asif

    Hi Roger! Poetry Zone is still not allowing to submit and form or poem. When will this issue be fixed. No pressure! Take your time.. I will wait for the site to get fixed. 🙂

  • jaspreet

    are we going to have a compertition.
    suggesting:end of school
    warm peom
    a type of peom technique

    • Roger Stevens

      A good idea. It’s about time there was another competition.

      • Himiko

        Hi Roger I was wondering if you could do more sections of poems because when I tried to do poem it wasn’t love or all sorts so it would be really good if you could do that.

  • Roger Stevens

    Hi Himiko. Well, it would get a bit too complicated I think. If it doesn’t fit into a category – then it goes in to Allsorts – which just means all sorts of poems. Unless you’re very young and it goes into First Poems or 13 plus and it goes into Teenage.

  • Toga

    I was doing a poem but my screen turned a black then it disconnected and I have a suggestion that When you see someone’s poem and type a message i say you only put nice stuff and if you try putting mean stuff it won’t send . So that would be really good.

  • Momo

    Hi Roger I was wondering something can you do any poems like nonsense poem’s and acrostic poems Just a thought.

    • Roger Stevens

      Hi Momo. Yes, send in any kind of poems that you like. As long as they are your own work. Silly poems, serious poems, funny, sad, long, short, acrostics, haiku we like them all.

    • Roger Stevens

      Hi Tina. No, not always. Only if I’m writing a kind of poem that has to rhyme, like a limerick. Whether it rhymes or not usually depends what I’m writing about. My funny poems often rhyme. My serious ones not so much.

      • TINA

        Thanks for that message. It is because at school, we sometimes write poems and I am so silly I am always trying to think of rhyme! What a waste of time!

        • TINA

          Plus, will this message thing always be here forever? I have so many questions in the future!

  • TINA

    By the way my name is actually, CHRISTINA, SO IF I DO WIN MY POEM ‘I HAVE A CAT YOU MIGHT LIKE!’ IT SAYS BY CHRISTINA SO I ‘TINA’ WOULD WIN. ( just saying!)

    • Roger Stevens

      Well, I had planned one for the summer. Sorry, I’ve been a bit lax on them this year. I’ll try and get one started soon.

      • TINA

        Okay, by the way, I am a huge fan of yours! Just a question, out of all of your poems, which is your favourite?

        • Roger Stevens

          Ooh, my favourite? let’s see. I like Corrections. And Dad Don’t Dance.

    • Roger Stevens

      The first poem I had published was a haiku. It went like this…
      When I write haiku
      I always seem to have one
      syllable left o

  • TINA

    Do you write your poem and then add your title at the end or do you write your title first?

    • Roger Stevens

      I usually write the title at the end. Sometimes it’s obvious what it will be. Sometimes it’s difficult to get the title right. I quite like the title making the reader think a little bit too.

    • Roger Stevens

      I always enjoyed writing poems and stories at primary school. But I really got interested at secondary school when I started reading poems by Roger McGough and the Mersey Poets, and listening to songs by Bob Dylan. This was in the 1960s – a LONG time ago. As I write this they are now both very old, but still writing poems and songs. And I still enjoy listening to them.

  • Christina

    When you write poem, what would you do if another poet has a poem that has the same title as you? (Would you just ignore it or change you title?)

    • Roger Stevens

      I think I would change it. Either a) a totally different title, if there was an obvious choice or b) if the title was important to the poem I would change it more subtly. For example you could change “Going Home Time” to “Time to Go Home”.

  • Lilith

    Hi roger. I was wondering if you could come to xxx Academy sometime to inspire my fellow students.
    Age 11

      • Roger Stevens

        That’s a good question. I must get something going, mustn’t I.

    • Roger Stevens

      Hi Lilith. I’d love to. You’d have to ask a teacher to talk to me about it. Send it to my PoetryZone email address.

    • Roger Stevens

      A very good question Christina. I’m not sure yet. Soon though. What theme would you like?

  • Mollie-Rose

    Hi. I’m Mollie-Rose and I’ve never shared any of my poems with anyone but my family. As soon as I saw this poetry thing on Topmarks, I knew it was for me. (BTW, I joined for the first time, like, 5 mins ago). I am so grateful to have access to this. (Thank you for existing!😊)

  • Christina

    The theme I want is someone entering a chaotic birthday party and having lots of thoughts in their head… It would be great if this was what the competition is about!

    • Roger Stevens

      That’s a good idea. Celebrations. Then you could interpret it as you liked.

  • Praniti

    Hey Roger, what is your poetry zone email address? You would be happy to know that I am a very (ancient) poetry zone contributor. I wrote for poetry zone when I was 11 and kept publishing till I was 17 and I am 21 now. I wanted to reach out to you regarding something very important!

  • abigail

    When is there going to be a new competition ???????????????????????????? 🙂

The Poetry Zone

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