Read your poems here. Choose a category below. First poems (aged 6 and under), Allsorts (aged 7-12), True Love (poems about love, friendship, romance and heartbreak – aged 10-14), Teenage (aged 13-18) and Previous Competition Entries including Winning Poems. Or read them all.

Allsorts Read more

As I Was Walking

by Harriet Jones aged 7

One day I was walking by a river.
I saw a big bird,
It was tall and skinny
And very, very silly.
Nothing like a bird I have seen before.
Never seen a bird like

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The Goat

by Ayaan Thomas Shibin aged 8

Matchmaking player
GOAT of all time
Muscular legend
Bicycle kicker
Hat trick legend
Top bins shooter
Do you who he or she is?

Revolting Rhymes

by Amelia M. aged 7

I guess you think you know this story
You don’t – the other one’s just so gory
The phoney one
The one you know was cooked up years and years ago
Just to sound all soft

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First Poems Read more

My Turtle Fred

by Freddie aged 6

My turtle Fred
He is not dead
He sleeps in his shell
And when he does die
I guess he will smell


by Hamish Brogan aged 5

The winter breeze blows
and blows
The snow falls
The trees are white and glow
The animals hibernate
and migrate
The children do snowball fights
Until the night

If Everything Was Upside Down

by Jenisha Jain aged 6

If everything was upside down.
If people were swimming in the river,
They would fall down in the sky.
Ants and people
Would start having conversations
With the sky.
Also the sky and sun

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True Love Read more

What is Not Love?

by Ava Fitzgerald aged 10

Love is not when you’re full,
but your friends keep taking pieces.
Love is not when people love you for your looks,
your money, your fame.
Not when people don’t like being around you.

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The Dark

by Ava Fitzgerald aged 10

I’m always in the dark, always in despair.
Then you tell me you don’t like my hair, honestly, I don’t care.
But I don’t see why you need to make fun of me, but do if you dare.

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School Life

by Hayat Mohamed aged 12

Constantly falling
into the deep end
constantly failing
is it a trend?

My teachers are screaming
the bells are ringing
but the bell doesn’t dismiss you, I do

Trapped up – locked up even though

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Teenage Read more

Stop All Wars!

by Conor

We have witnessed war
It should be no more
What are we even flighting for?
Let’s try to make
the wars no more.

Peace is want we need
it should be for all

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The Flicker of Yesterday

by Hiral Singh

Once upon a simpler time,
When life was light, and youth would chime,
I’d ride the bus through golden days,
Where laughter paved the winding ways.

There was a boy, just first grade small,
His laughter

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Purpose? Purpose.

by Fathima Valliyangal

Always the painter,
never the muse

Always the poet,
never the poem

Always the well,
never the water

Always the heart,
never the blood

Always the palette,
never the paint

Always the clouds,

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Competition Entries Read more


by Ismah aged 8

No breath of wind no gleam of sun
still the white snow whirls softly down,
Twig and bough and blade and thorn
all in an icy quiet form,
whispering, rustling through the air
on still

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Five Ways how Christmas Can be Shared

by Jeanri Jordaan aged 10

Sleigh bells ring,
the moon illuminates the sky and glows.
The air is filled with joy and happiness,
everywhere someone goes.

No matter if it’s a town or village,
no matter if it’s a city or

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Do You Know What It Is?

by Kaira Thakkar aged 9

Am! Nam! Nam!
Eating cookies, drinking milk
Distributing gifts while sitting on a sleigh,
And guiding the reindeers swiftly,
Decorating Christmas trees,
With ornaments and hanging stockings,
Sitting cosily by the fire,

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