Ever Blooming Trees

by Hava Omer aged 13

Trees: Our life support
Trees: The one thing we don’t appreciate
Look left and right, don’t be afraid
The trees surrounding you, they’ll be willing to give you some shade.
A mother to nature.
A mother to us.
Provides us with oxygen day and night.
Fights for us like a knight.
Absorbs toxic gases like carbon dioxide to keep us alive.
Sways with the wind on the winter months.
Providing us with food, so we don’t starve
From apples to oranges, delicious produce
All is from a mother’s angelic hands, and contagious smile, that makes your hunger diffuse.

Not only they make us meals right in front of our sight,
They help us with hypothesises, which can change our light
Nature mother knows the best
Dropped an apple Newton’s head
This lead him to uncover the Newton Law!
This was from a discovery called gravity, and yes there is more…
They rock back and forth in the daylight
Making a perfect painting for Ansel Adams to copywrite, and become a socialite.

However, There is a dark side to our nature mothers…
Trees getting sliced in half, practically amputated.
Back stabbed into machines
Coming out as paper, or worse
What is this all worth?
For our nature mothers to be chopped up into pieces like a slice of ham,
And for us to not show a little sympathy?
For the amount of biodiversity living in the trees
Show some respect!
You could protect these pure souls with ease.
If someone smashes your house into smithereens, you would want justice
Well start thinking the same about the insects, to the mammals,
to the Earth’s atmosphere, to the vegetarian animals.
All this takes is a little bit of practice.
But this is our planet after all,
So, let’s learn to show it some service.
Rather than being careless.

For the ancient vines running down it’s bark
Covered in moss, and algae
Just one look at this masterpiece could turn you blind.
It’s a therapeutic sight
It drowns your worry in a flurry.
It creates beautiful images in your cerebrum
Wiser than the other organism (humans),
It stands proud
Towering over houses, and bushes
Magnificent all way round.
With its friendly long branches ready to hand out a warm hug.
To its prehistorical roots tangled below the Earth’s crust.
It communicates with a sway,
You can see it from your bay
Then it finally drops its leaves
As it’s time for Autumn’s sneeze.

Trees: Ancient wonders
Trees: If only people saw the purpose of them.
Being dominant one second,
Collapsing the second
These trees are losing their power,
The numbers of them are descending by the hour.
Time to communicate with the other countries!
Maybe if we would stop cutting them down,
There would be more bird’s nests, and hives for bees.

3 Responses to “Ever Blooming Trees”

    • Hava Omer

      Please sir, I was wondering if you could edit the title of the poem and turn it into Ever-blooming Trees.
      Thank you so very much again!

The Poetry Zone

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