Fishy, Fishy, in my Dishy

by Carmen and Nilshikha aged 9 and 9 (10 and 10)

I’ve got a pet fish from the fish shop,
he lives in his tank and eats a lot!
His name is Fishy,
he always loves his dishy.
Although he is very fat
he swims fast when he sees a cat.
Fishy became greedy,
and very needy.
One day
when he went out to play,
he saw us eat:
tomatoes, cucumber, and no meat.
He leapt from his tank
and landed in the bin where it stank!
The clock struck nine,
one giant leap for fishy kind!
fishy, fishy, in my dishy.
and now I have NO FOOD!
I put him in his place,
which is not that ace.
fishy, fishy, now NOT in my dishy.

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