All of My Excuses

by Eva aged 8

“Miss Muschamp?”
“Yes sir” I said
“Where is your homework?”
Oh no, I thought to myself. “Ummmmm…”
“Um what?” asked the teacher.
” I… got hungry and ate it. My dog was very sad.”
“A likely story.”
“Well then,” I said. “My…. I was staying at Grandma’s house.”
“And then what happened?”
“She was supposed to help me with it.”
“Oh and let me guess she forgot.”
“Oh no no no, would never forget a thing like that, she died.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. So then couldn’t Mum or Dad help?”
“Too busy,” I said
“And what were they doing?”
“Mum was cooking and Dad was was… chopping up logs.”
“As soon as I hear that I know that none of it’s true so tell me the truth.”
“Oh fine, I forgot to do it so this morning I scribbled on it ”
“Thank you,” he said as he started to walk away.
“Phew he’s gone,” I sighed
“Oh and one more thing,” he said
“What?” I said thinking what nice things he could say.
Well, I thought that for about 7 seconds.

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