Eye of the Storm

by Laura Edwards

Just outside the eye of the storm

So close to the calm of it
the peace of it

after fighting forwards for so long

I should be enthralled
drove forwards by the closeness of it
so soon
and I’ll be there

but I’m not

I’m terrified

I become weaker the more I journey

led blindly by the forces of the storm around me

surrounding me

controlling me

or am I just dreaming?

maybe I chose to be here
maybe I want to be here
desperate for the calm in the centre

but the more I stare at it
this so called paradise
the more it becomes a mirage

a false hope

a fake dream

a destination never to be reached

and I run

back the way I came

back against the storm

tears like waterfalls as I defy everything around me

I have to leave my heart behind

too heavy to run with

it would just drag me down.

I grow even wearier as I reach the edge.

finally I fall to the floor

too drained to do much else

but as I lie here
too tired to move
too pained to feel

I look back at the storm
at its howling winds
its splintering rain

and It’s beautiful

maybe this is the eye of the storm

that moment of clarity

that second of peace

and suddenly something unknown within me
moves me forwards

dragging me across the floor
determined to have its way

and although every other inch of me
wants me to go back to the edge;
shouts at me to stop
screams at me to turn around
cries at me to think

I keep moving forward…

led blindly by the force of it…

to the mirage at the centre…

the supposed ‘eye of the storm’

Am I Like Sleeping Beauty?

by Amalee Jordan

Slowly fading.
My story is ending,
They’re finally finishing the last chapter,
The ink has come to an end,
Their hand is cramped,
The pages are tarred and are wearing away,
I can feel my heart slow down,
My body is shaking,
Cold shivers are running
Through my spine,
This feeling is making me smile
I wonder why?
I’m dying,
Calmly disappearing,
Dying, dying, dying.
Is this a happy ending?
Is it possible I’m like sleeping beauty
But my prince never arrives.
My heart has been poisoned
From the prick of a pen
And I’m dying…

Snow Globe Home

by Tanesha Mc Daid

Once a year I’m brought out of storage
The lukewarm fake snow whirls around
I glare through my foggy glass cage
At my captors keeping me homebound

The little ones shake me and my home
Till my whole world spins and I feel dizzy
I try spit out the bits of fake snow foam
Yet they laugh and giggle at my misery

Then I’m taken away in my case
Down where it’s all dark and drear
Then I can hide alone in my base
Till all will repeat again next year

My Walls Can Talk

by Zoe R

My walls are talking.
I’m just trying to sleep, why are they talking?
My walls are arguing.
I just want to sleep, why do they keep arguing?
They speak in murmurs.
I make out the ‘no’,
the ‘why can’t you’,
the ‘doing this anymore’.

My walls are talking.
How do I make them stop?
I play music.
I cover my ears.
I try everything.
I’m just tired, make them stop.

Then they do.
They stop.
There’s no noise, just silence and somehow that’s worse.
My walls don’t want to talk anymore, I can sleep now.
But I can’t.
I can’t sleep.
So, I’ll just sit here, staring at the walls.
Waiting for them to talk again.

The River Nile

by Benji

The River Nile
is a weaver taking
down trees like a beaver.

The River Nile’s
like a cloud floating by
But look at that slave
with a tear in his eye.


by Ida Wiesenfeld

At the crack of dawn,
In the cloudless sky,
Gulps of swallows perched on silver firs,
Sing blithely to the wakening sun.

When the sun bleeds its velvet wounds,
Tainting the sky in crimson hues,
Flocks of darkly plumaged swallows,
Graze the sunlit waters, fringing it with shadows.

When the sky is shrouded by an ebony cloak of stars,
And the moon hangs at a perfect crescent,
The swallows come aloft,
Silent and obscured by the unfurling twilight.

Their wingtips brushes past the moon,
Their wings no longer black, are now tasseled with moonlight.

Thirteen Year Old Dreams

by Edward Hare

In trenches deep, where soldiers tread,
Thirteen-year-old dreams lie buried, dead.
A world ablaze, with battles fought,
Innocence fades, lessons hard-taught.

Muddy boots and skies of gray,
Boys not yet grown, sent far away.
Friends-turned-comrades, side by side,
Longing for homes they can’t abide.

Letters penned with trembling hand,
Hoping for peace in a distant land.
But cries of war, they drown the pleas,
Echoing through the trembling trees.

Gas masks on, fear in their eyes,
Yearning for childhood’s sweetest skies.
War’s harsh lessons, too soon learned,
Thirteen-year-old hearts deeply churned.

Oh, World War One, a tragic tale,
Of youth caught in a merciless gale.
Let history speak, let hearts implore,
May such horrors reign nevermore.

Climate Change is No Game

by Tom, Francis and Zack

Climate change is no game,
We have to help straight away,
All these droughts and earthquakes, we have
To stop making all these mistakes. Hurry up!
And help. Time is running out. People being lazy this is getting

Climate change is no game, everyone is trying
To get all the fame. No one is helping out
I can’t do this by myself, animals will perish
So you have to listen to this. This is so tiring
All people care about is bling. Come on come hurry up!
Time is running out. But all we need to do is stop this now.

Climate change is no game, we should hurry up and start today
Not tomorrow that’s too lame. Let’s work as a team,
As easy it will seem. From digging up oil to needing
A lot of soil. Please help, the Earth it is crumbling so
If you don’t, we will all end up crumbling.

Climate change is no game, stop driving you’re car and
Take the train. Forests getting cut down
People are harming environments for pounds
And those people need to be taken down.

Life on Earth

by Aliyah, Samona and Saisha

The polar bears and their icy homes,
Are threatened by the rising sea levels.
Heatwaves scorching, making us sweat,
It’s time for action, there’s no time to fret.

Reduce, reuse, recycle, and more,
Small changes add up, that’s for sure.
We can do it together, you must believe
Planting trees, cleaning the air we breathe,

In a world that is changing fast,
The planets future, it won’t last.
Climate change is what we face,
Let’s come together and win the race.

Reduce our carbon, make a change
Sustainable choice’s rearrange
Energy efficient use less fuel,
Protecting Earth , our common rule

Climate Change

by Sami and Josh

In the breath of a changing world, whispers echo,
A beseech from Earth, a call to the heart, a call to the mind.

Beneath the shades of skies
Where clouds dance in circles,
And oceans weave tales with every crest
A narrative unfolds, written in the language of the wind.

Climate change is no game,
We need to act straight away,
The world is dying,
As the environment is crying.

Come on, come on, we need to do this,
Come on, come on we need to hurry up,
Turn down the lights, turn up the volume,
Speak, shout, scream till you need.

We don’t have that much time,
This is your chance to stop this crime.