
by Dhriti

Have you ever wondered why Emotions can be Vague,
But can also be contagious and spread like the Plague!

Well,they are the feelings that
come from within…
If you have not experienced them much, then it’s the right time to begin!

It is the happiness you feel while playing with your friends
And it is also the sadness when your vacation ends!

What is that warmth you feel inside? Well that is called Trust..
Don’t forget that emotion as it is a must!

If you like this poem, then emotions are something you can explore…
As the search never ends, because there is always enough and more!!

Endless Nights

by Talia

The shadow monsters loom over
my body, a battered dandelion,
crumpled by colossal enclosure,
taunts shooting at my glass head.

Blazing glass turns to sweltering sand.
The grains scratch their rising heat,
between my irritated skull and
the lava laden linen.

Through my eyes, salty sleep leaks,
lost to the darkness of night,
staining my crimson cheeks
with white waterfalls of tiredness.

My agitated spine of sticks
will not release the sun.
A tightened sleeve of flesh grips
to my cluttered, quivering bones.

The vast sea tosses my limbs
as they flounder recklessly
searching for the stolen wings,
only to drown in the water.

Hundreds of galloping horses
race to the shallow graves of my mind,
forever lying as corpses
in the depths of the endless nights.


by Sakeena Jhaveri

What is colour if not our eyes
What is truth if not our lies
Colour flies but colour dries
Colour deserts our cries
Reminds us of of good times and ties
Like a misty rainbow in cloud-dabbed sky
Colour leaves us when we die.


by Owen Walker

The one time when death
Is the prettiest sight
The brown

Pulls my heart like a
Rubber band. The Yellow
And red

The one time when death
Looks like the front
Of a

The one time when death
Does not involve the
Tears of

Except for Mother.
She cries.

A Faithful Encounter

by Chamalka

On a certain cold
And rainy day
In the streets of far, far away
On the sidewalk
There was a baby bear
People passed by
And didn’t even care
He kept crying on and on
They all ignored him
And just moved on

His paw was bleeding,
Not a person would help
He was lonely and damp
Dread was all he felt

But suddenly
In the Bear’s despair
Appeared a little girl
With a face so fair,
Lifted the bear
And took him home,
Now he was no longer
Forever alone
She bathed him and fed him
And gave him a hug,
Gave him a kiss
While he slept on the rug

The girl’s unconditional love and care
Reminded the cub of mother bear
His paw now healed and so was his heart
The bear was now supposed to depart

But the bear and girl
Were now best friends
Their love for each other
Had no end,
In a world that once
Seemed so cold,
The baby bear now
Had a love to hold
In this tale that started
From a dirty rain-soaked place
Now ends with a bond
of warmth, love and grace


by Tilly Comerford

I want to get on Google again
So I’m doodling while
Eating a noodle

I’m desperate
and feeling separate

Allow it
foul it

I made it rhyme.
so I’m eating a lime.

So put me on Google after my muscles rustled.

This is Who I Am

by Mahi Banka

Consistently flowing in a stream like stone
Without having my own destination,
Is not who I am.
Accumulating myself in a delta,
Instead of transforming in an enormous rock,
Is not who I am.
Being a part of throng,
Running before people,
Is not who I am.
Working in a 9 to 5 job,
Not approaching my desires,
Is not who I am.
But reaching my destination with valour,
Forming the biggest rock,
Being a leader ,
And accomplishing my desires,
Is who I am.
The world gives us various chances,
But it depends on us whether we achieve it,
Or ignore it.


by Tara Johnson

if you always try your best
then you’ll never have to wonder
what you could have done
if you’d summoned all your thunder .

and if your best was not as good
as you hoped that it would be
you still could say I gave today
all that I had in me


by Mmesoma

I fly like a dove
I rock, I move
Everybody everybody
going on a groove
See me
See me if you don’t want
Fly like a dove
Fly like a dove

You see me soaring high
I am going to prove my time
Fly high so you can reach the time
This is what it means to fly
Fly like a dove
Fly like a dove yeah.

Velvet Petals

by Ida

On to the crystalline waters I fall,
A single stain of velvet petals,
Floating onto the colorless sea.

A current carries me,
Under a rosy cluster.

All seeing the current pass,
Bitterly detach from their loving buds,
Landing silently into its clear depths.

The sea no longer bleak,
Is now covered in crimson roses.