I Woke Up Like This

by Tilly aged 7

I look outside my window not a cloud to be seen,
I spot something particular
It was so green
I look in my mirror
I have seven dots on my face
I wonder why I’m so itchy
it must be a rash so bumpy and still
My mother warns me not to go to school
until suddenly my face becomes hot pink
my mum rushes me to the hospital
They tell me I have a temperature
and that it will soon go away
Just wait eight more days!

Do Not Cut the Trees

by Viraaj aged 6

Do not cut me, cried the tree.
Because I give you free rain.
Under my cool shade you rest.
In summer or spring fruit grows on me.
I give you free air.

My Visit to Lindt Chocolate Factory

by Jenisha Jain aged 6

One day, I went to a chocolate factory
In my summer holidays! And I saw a chocolate fountain,
They gave my family four headphones,
Through which we listened to more information
About the tasty chocolate factory

We also got Lindt chocolates,
And my favorite, mouth-watering one
Was the rosy-red one!
I really liked it so much, my sister was also there,
My sister told me, “Jenisha, this is so tasty!”
To preserve the occasion,
My dad took many lovely pictures!

School Days

by Riley Higginbotham aged 9

once at school

I fell into a pool

when I jumped in

I swam into a bin

I made a pun

it was super fun

I like school

because its super cool



Ladybug Love: The Search for Listless Linda

by Jenisha Jain aged 5

Once there was a ladybug called Linda—
She loved her little babies,
She was very tiny and colorful!
She lived with her little babies in the grass,
She was very kind to them and helped them.

You might not know who Linda is
But sometimes, her family crawls up on our legs!
But one day, a catastrophe happened!
Linda got lost in the dense meadow,

Linda’s family saw that she was nowhere to be seen!
They all got worried and started crying,
They took out their Little Ladybug Lamps,
Because they cared for Linda.

And then, they searched for Linda so carefully—
But they still could not find her!
They stopped for a food break, where they fried—
Small, small insects and ate them.

They did not sleep all night,
And suddenly, they saw Linda!
She had fallen asleep in the middle of the meadow!
When she woke up, they scolded her!
“Listless, lethargic Linda!” they yelled.

Stolen Flowers

by Safiya Alam aged 6

A few days ago I planted some flowers
The flowers had super-magical powers
Along came a thief and took them away
Took them in the night, not in the day
I didn’t get a chance to see
How beautiful they would be
Then, something amazing happened soon
When the magical flowers started to bloom
They started singing out my name
Putting the thief through a lot of shame
Flowers flying left and right
They returned to me that very night
So think twice before you steal my flowers
For don’t you know they have magical powers

Nature Poem

by Martha Mills aged 5

Oh swishing grass, oh blooming flowers,
I love your blooming hours,
I love your look,
I love your sound,
and best of all you’re all around.

Anything Can Happen

by Leo and Kamal and Isaac aged 9

Anything can happen
I am in control
Fantasy is reality
Characters come to life
All within a simple screen
Sounds, glitches and lighting

The Train

by Arham Khan aged 6

The train was blue, red and yellow
We were waiting at the station
I was sleepy near the window
And the fox was jumping on the snow

God is Powerful

by Ananda Nadkarni aged 6

God is powerful,
God is sweet and beautiful,
God is nice.

God is everywhere,
God is up and God is down,
God is in our hearts,
I have a lot to say to God.

Thank you for being here,
To make my day full of cheer,
Thank you for giving life,
It gives me lot of smiles.

God is powerful.