Hi Everyone, welcome to The Poetry Zone.

Since 1998 The Poetry Zone has published around 30,000 poems by young people and has had millions of visitors – children and teenagers, real live poets and other adults – who want to check us out, especially teachers who use the Poetry Zone as a fun way of teaching poetry in their schools.

Competition Winners. Well done Ruheen Lamba, Veer Sorout, Heva Bashir and Jarvis Seymour-Jones who have won the CELEBRATIONS competition.

NOTE TO SCHOOLS SENDING POEMS. I’m very happy for schools to send us poems. But I do edit all poems – in the same way that poems would be edited in a book. This does take time – and so I would ask schools to limit the number of poems sent. If a school sends, say, 30 poems – one from every class member – I may have to choose a selection to appear in the Poetry Zone. Schools may, however, send as many poems as they would like for competitions..

Poo Poo Poo! Rude poems can be very funny but be warned – if you send us poems about farts, bottoms or poo they won’t be appearing in the Poetry Zone. So please stop sending us rude poems. 

And do please remember that all the poems you send should be your own original work. Meanwhile keep writing and sending us poems. We love to read them. Be careful and stay safe


It’s Christmas Poem Time!

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Latest Poems

The Cycle of the Seasons

by Shimmyshimmy aged 10

A new year, a new spring
the blue tits in the trees sing
the clocks change, the sun stays
the lambs skip through the emerald green fields
the luscious trees will will blossom, the magnolias will

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A Poem Against Pollution

by Atharv Dublish aged 9

A litle flower blooming
Oceans always flowing
Shining bright with lots of light
Dreaming a world without plastic
Or making it into toys that are elastic

A revolution against pollution
May be we can use

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The Star

by Mia Salmon aged 9

A white star in the evening glow
looked to the round green world below
and saw a pool in a wooded place
that held like a jewel her mirrored face
She said to the pool, Oh,

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