Weird Kid

by Molly Taylor aged 11

In a sea of “normals”, I stand alone,
The weird kid in a world that feels unknown.
A puzzle piece that doesn’t fit the mold,
A story waiting to be told.

They laugh and whisper, pointing fingers my way,
But I dance to a rhythm they can’t sway.
I wear my quirks like a badge of honor,
For in my strangeness, I find my power.

From the sidelines, I observe and learn,
The beauty in being different, I discern.
While they seek to blend, I dare to stand out,
Embracing the shadows, without a doubt.

I paint with colors unseen by their eyes,
Creating art that makes my spirit rise.
While they conform to societal norms,
I bloom in the chaos of creative storms.

In books and dreams, I find my solace,
A refuge from a world that lacks promise.
I’m not defined by their judgmental gaze,
For my worth lies in the path I blaze.

So let them laugh, let them misunderstand,
I’ll keep dancing to my own command.
For I am the weird kid, the one who’s unique,
And in my strangeness, I find the courage to speak.

The Poetry Zone

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