Threat and Curse

by Jessica Lily Thompson aged 13

Answer the question and you’ll be free!
“Let me out! I want to go home.”
Get it correct, I’ll even give you a comb.
“I don’t know! I don’t know!”
Turn down the treadmill, keep it slow,
Think some more and you might realize the answer
Soon enough imma get cancer!
If I don’t have a response, I shall hit the button,
Then you will go down for glutton
I’ll tell the press, you were doing something illegal
Oh, why are you so feeble?
“Oh for heaven’s sake! I’m being held captive.
By the way you are very attractive.
Aphrodite shall be jealous when she looks at you.”
Thanks for the compliment. Now you are through!
Prettier then Aphrodite I am now.
Whilst everyone else looks like a cow.
“Cursed is what you are now with not long left,
I shan’t go down for theft!”
What do you mean cursed?
Now you say it, I do have a rather quenching thirst.
“See what I can set in motion.
Whilst you sit a pretend to make a potion.”
It is not pretend!
It’s time for this feud to end.
Finally, I did it.
No punishment feels more fit.
“Just, remember
It’s almost December.
The day you once struck and was locked up,
You look pale…need a cup?”

3 Responses to “Threat and Curse”

  • Roger Stevens

    So – are you 11 or 13? You can’t be both. It makes a difference to your competition entry.

    • Jessica Lily Thompson

      I am 13 but my computer is a bit temperamental so sometimes certain keys don’t work properly. Sorry for the confusion!

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