
by Amir Alzuhairi aged 13

Think! Wild fires spreading like a virus
The greenhouse suffocating us humans as if
We are getting strangled. Our carbon footprint
Now is more deadly than a knife.

Think! Plastic bag swiftly moving through our wind
Then in the ocean killing turtles. Fish used drink
Water now they drink our gasoline which is
Being tossed in the ocean.

Think! The reefs look like skittered skeletons
Across the ocean floor. If we can’t take
Care of world or animals habitats we
Humans don’t have very long left.

One Response to “Think!”

  • Boorgir master

    damnnnnn this john fireee, bin laden with the bars. finna add this to my playlist 🙏🏿💯💯🥶🥶🥶

The Poetry Zone

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