They Won’t Understand

by Nina aged 10

They won’t understand
They just can’t feel the pain
They’ve heard the shouting, the screaming, the cries
They’ve heard them all, the fibs, the lies
They don’t understand what goes on in my home
They don’t understand why I want to be alone
They don’t understand why I’m scared of men
They don’t understand why I draw on myself in pen
They don’t understand the scissors and tape
They don’t understand I’m scared of rape
They don’t understand what I feel
They don’t understand because what is real?
Is this a dream, a vision, a lie?
Will I reincarnate once I die?
Will I be judged by what I am?
Or will I be judged on who I am?
They don’t understand I’m not ok
I don’t want them to say that they’ll stay
It’s all lies not the truth
Maybe I shall just jump off my roof
They read these poems and confront
Why can’t they read and understand?
Poetry is how I open up

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