The Zoo

by Medhaswi Kundu aged 8


When I went to the zoo on a winter’s dawn
I saw a koala, a tiger and a fawn.
One snored, the other roared and bared its teeth,
But the fawn didn’t think that was any great feat.

The long-necked giraffes smiled at me,
While munching leaves at the top of a tree.
They were so dignified, so slow,
That I wanted to shout, “Go, go, go!”

The white handed gibbons went as fast as they could,
They wouldn’t stop playing, they never would.
The gibbons were playing so hard they didn’t see me,
I said, “It’s like the traffic lights are always on green.”

The elephants lifted their great trunks with a grunt,
But one just hid there and didn’t join in the fun.
The lion snapped their giant, piercing teeth,
They were hungry, were we something to eat?

We fed the goats with lush, green leaves,
Some pushed the others, to get the yummy feed!
The polar bear swam with all its might,
Playing with a big red ball, as if it would never have a night!

The time was so enjoyable, so pleasing,
I would always love animals, never ceasing!
I want to go again to the world’s oldest zoo,
And replay my experience that I did do!

The Poetry Zone

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