The Lost Earth

by Hava Omer aged 13

Earth: Our planet full of colour
Earth: What colour?
The impact of the industrial revolution still leaves a mark
The life-changing inventions like the steam engine really made it dark.
The amount of humans collapsing due to the inhalation of the pollution,
It confused the doctors, as they had no strong knowledge of a solution.
The humongous translucent cloud covering the view in all directions,
You could commit a crime and not be seen,
For the people didn’t have the ability to see with a vision full-screen..

It was the industrial revolution after all, maybe the pollution decreased.
That’s a lie my friend, the intoxicating gases did decrease,
But we are still in a risky position for global warming to say the least.
The rainforest getting cut down
AAAAAHHHH! The climate has turned around!
The penguins and polar bears are roasting in the South
While we are scrolling on our phones without a doubt.
Pick up your litter!
Pick up your litter!
Go on a strike if you have to!
To save trees, and the dark green leaves.
It’s not hard, just work together, and clean those streets.
You could start eco-friendly peace.

For the Koalas on the brink of extinction,
Not having any impact on the human race
Why do we have to intrude into places that aren’t ours?
Didn’t we make this mess?
Well it’s time to make progress!
Time to fight
For what’s right.

Earth: Once was a lovely planet full with healthy biodiversity
Earth: Is it that hard to realise the damage you are doing to this planet
Or do you have to attend a lecture at university?
And there’s so much litter in the sea!
Don’t hesitate to help out!
Go on – offer a hand
Grab a sign to save the land.
As it’s our home for future generations
To save this planet forever,

3 Responses to “The Lost Earth”

  • Roger Stevens

    Hi Hava. I like this poem a lot. I’ve made a few little changes. Knee had to go. Here’s a tip. Read the poem out loud. Listen for a) things that don’t actually make sense (ocean’s knee?) and b) the rhythm of the poem. Don’t worry too much about rhymes. Hope you like what I’ve done.

  • Hava Omer

    Thank you sir, I am sorry about that!! I will hopefully take that tip. I did think that knee sounded wrong as there was no need to personify the ocean. Thank you so very much!!

    • Roger Stevens

      Don’t be sorry. You can’t actually be wrong when you write poetry. It’s just about finding the best words, and improving your craft.

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