The Leaves are Turning Scarlet Without You

by Thanh Theerapasiri aged 12


The first marigold leaves frolic along wooden arms
From the shimmering warm puddle your eyes stare into mine
The soft breeze whispers your every breath
Every mud-soaked step a weight on my chest

The soft light above so clear it pierces my eyes
For eternity my beating heart is trapped in your smile
From across the globe through all the frontiers
Your melodic voice sings in my ears

Like the chestnut-colored squirrels scurrying through the land
You stole my delicate heart and away you ran
The clouds have sensed your absence and scampered to find you
Leaving the sky alone, so pure and blue

I hope to gaze into your eyes, sparkling like the dew
I hope the mighty emerald river will lead me to you
I hope that our bond will be evergreen and true
Oh, how my heart is still waiting for you

One Response to “The Leaves are Turning Scarlet Without You”

  • Poonnisa

    I really love your poem ,it’s very beautiful,inspiring and emotionally,very incredible pround of you .❤️

The Poetry Zone

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