
by Ava Paton aged 11

I’m stuck in my home,
Head stuck in my phone,
And I don’t have a garden to play.

My pantrey’s full,
So’s my lav paper roll,
And no one can come and play.

All this stuff on the telly,
It’s making me jelly.
Why can’t they all just shush up?!

I can’t go to school,
Or to the pool,
Or play around at the park.

I always stay clean,
Wash my hands till they GLEAM,
I want to see all of my friends.

I can’t go big shopping,
Only a pop-in,
I think I’ll write poems instead.

2 Responses to “Stuck”

  • Ghita

    I love your poem it’s so true!
    I also have my head stuck in my phone and I really really want to go see my friends.

The Poetry Zone

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