School Life

by Hayat Mohamed aged 12

Constantly falling
into the deep end
constantly failing
is it a trend?

My teachers are screaming
the bells are ringing
but the bell doesn’t dismiss you, I do

Trapped up – locked up even though I tried to
all these assignments and my hands are crying like I’m a brand you’re buying
at the end of the day I’ll rise even to your dismay

Overcontrolling banshees
very short fuses and smell like hand cream
in distress if I’m late even though you get paid minimum wage
hyperventilating if I use the toilet – saying it affects my learning
how am I even supposed to learn when your always spurning

so please explain it to me why you always smell like hand cream
and why you teach for the money and not for your pleasure

you can give me detentions
saying that my family doesn’t give me attention
but even with your intentions
I’ll rise

The Poetry Zone

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