Reality of Fears

by Shaik Uzair Shareef aged 10

You are not scared of the ocean, but you are scared of what is inside it
You are not scared of spiders but you are scared of what they will do
You are not scared of dark but you are scared of what is not visible
You aren’t scared of death you are scared of how it will happen
You are not scared of blood but you are scared of how it is will come
You are not scared of your hurt you are scared of how that happened
You are not scared of scary things but you are scared of how they look
You are not scared of failure but you are scared of what people will assume
You are not scared of embarrassment but you are scared who would embarrass you
You are not scared of quietness but you are scared of how long it is quiet
You are not scared of how you look but you are scared of how people think you look
You are not scared of monsters but you are scared if they are real
You are not scared of performance but you are scared of what will happen there

The Poetry Zone

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