
by Hava Omer aged 13

Prejudice has control over me
the darkness of words that fight with me.
The loud screams of pain and sorrow
all I have left is tomorrow.

The jigsaw of bad intentions are covering me
maybe one day, one night
I will be in the right.

The loser, helpless, Poindexter they think I am.
Now the head has a tsunami of vexation and despair.
Self-confidence back to zero, and there is no hope to spare.

The hardest thing is walking down the street
with people laughing and mocking me from behind.
The left and right I have to spare, but for when I go those
directions, the people disappear.

Listen what have I done?
I had to escape my country
Not for your jibes

From head to toe you just criticise
well it’s the kindness you need to maximise.
From the words that spring out your mouth,
The thoughts in my mind turn into a hurricane
This makes me feel very inhumane.

Once I get home, I start to slouch
all of these hurtful words leave me lying on the couch.
Being a bit different is no fun
Because in others eyes you look very dumb.

All of the favourable things I do
to try change the way society pictures things.
All of them enclosed, covered up so it can be ignored
Yet the microscopic bit of bad is the one that gets the attention
that causes so much tension.

Although the smiling may be bright
there are other thoughts that bite.
The comments left by others, not constructive comments,
but the ones that come swirling in your mind during presentations,
and squeal in your ear, telling you your fears are near.

Overcoming obstacles of friendship is the fun part,
Finding someone with a warm heart.
The person that doesn’t discriminate or question
now that’s a good suggestion.

The feeling of not being good enough hits like a meteorite
So, the feeling of melancholy, and downheartedness
freezes you like frostbite.
The tornado of emotions revolving around your head
makes you feel a wave of dread.
Feeling incomplete is brutal,
As it makes people feel the opposite of neutral.

Yes some people can’t control their thoughts,
So it’s up to us to choose
The happiness you’ve always wanted, or the sadness that makes you lose.
So scramble back up to your feet!
Stop feeling incomplete!
And stop feeling defeat!

So we know the words punch hard,
Time to flip the card.
Get a shard of confidence,
And go find a confluence
Be friends forever and have each other’s back
Then one day you can light a match.

(I hope you enjoyed the poem! I was inspired to write about this, due to the fact we were learning about this topic in school, and it made me sad to realise that people were dealing with such pain every day, accepting the fact that it’s part of social -norms. This is why I wrote this, to spread awareness. I spent ages making it from one singular draft, to a bunch of re-drafts until I ended up with this. Please provide some feedback if there are any major issues thank you! 🙂

6 Responses to “Prejudice”

  • Roger Stevens

    Brilliant. You’ve done an excellent job. I’ve just tidied it up a tiny bit. Changed glee for jibe, because I thought glee had the wrong connotation, then changed the order so that there was still the rhyme with refugee. Well done.

  • Hava Omer

    Thank you so very much sir. I just realized that I made it on to Poetry zone, I will hopefully submit more in the future!

      • Heva Muhammed Bashir

        Hey! Please if she has mistakes it doesn’t mind. Her poetry is beautiful as always. At only 13 she has made it on poetry zone! So you should appreciate these poetry lines. I love it. Have Omer💗

        • Roger Stevens

          Hi Heva. Published writers always have an editor to check for small mistakes. It’s called proof reading. And an editor will sometimes make suggestions to improve a piece of writing or a poem. I like the poem very much.

          • Heva Bashir

            Again in sorry sir, I didn’t know that until I looked at me your comment.

The Poetry Zone

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