Oh, You Must See The Things I Can Do

by Krishiv Agarwal aged 9

Oh, you must see the things I can do.
Why, I can balance your pet fish bowl on your new rake,
and don’t worry it won’t break.
Yes, I can also balance a computer on my head,
along with that old spade in the shed.
I can stand with a ball under my feet,
you’re in for a real treat.
While standing on a broom
my ears can hold a poisonous mushroom
With my eyes tied with a rag,
my head can balance a school bag.
Two pencils in my nose
and a piece of paper between my toes.
My whiskers pure white,
ain’t I ready for a karate fight.

Oh yes, the things I can do.
On my right hand I can a hold a book, and on my left I can wear a hook.
While standing on a mat, my hook can hold a cricket bat.
Standing in your hall,
I can disguise an apple to be a great big bowling ball.
While walking down the street,
it can be a real treat.
as I can make friends with a short beefy neft,
that always goes left.

And while I am in the pool under the bright hot light of the sun,
I can also make friends with a long, skinny zite eating a bun.
And just for fun, I can organise a run,
but not under the bright light of the sun,
but in the light of the moon with a monkey carrying a gun.

And yes, that is exactly what I have done.
And I have done that to have loads of fun.
Everyone says no no no!
But we have already started.
One two three go go go!

The Poetry Zone

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