I am not a vibrant ocean blue
nor as pink as the sunset sky
I am not the daughter that you watched grow
nor will I ever be a guy
I am not anything you said I’d be
I am simply me.
But society doesn’t see it that way,
The rules are that you have to be either a boy or girl,
straight or gay.
But that’s not me,
that won’t ever be me.
I look at myself in the mirror,
and allĀ want is to cry
because I don’t see myself.
I’ve lived so long
being told I was pink
but I’ve always come to realise
I’ve never seen that colour
within myself.
Because in my life,
I’m not a boy nor a girl
I’m not gay nor straight
I’m simply just Harper,
My body may say different.
But I know what I am,
I’m human.
Even if I use they/them pronouns.
I’m just free