My Baby Boisterous Oysters

by Heidi aged 13

I have some boisterous oysters
Billy, Bob and Bamby
They are baby boisterous oysters
that barely run away.

Billy, Bob and Bamby
bounce around all day
breaking brass band instruments
they are not allowed to stay.

Billy, Bob and Bamby
are as bad as bad can be
they always bounce around me
when I drink iced tea.

My baby boisterous oysters
may be bad, but hey!
I love my baby boisterous oysters.
I hope they never go away!

3 Responses to “My Baby Boisterous Oysters”

  • Roger Stevens

    I like this a lot. I changed the end though. You started with a poem that rhymed and scanned, then you tailed off into a different format. So I changed it to make it all work. Hope that’s okay.

    • Heidi

      That’s totally fine and thank you so much for replying I did not think anyone would notice it.

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