Midnight in Dublin,
Killers in town,
They see a woman capable
Of taking people down.
They also see a man,
Too fearful to fight,
He looks so lonely
On the cold, dark, night.
The killers think carefully,
And launch their attack,
But why is it the woman
they stab in the back?
Next morning two deaths
Are announced on the news,
A man was run over,
The stabbed woman too.
His family weeping,
Hers in a rage,
And why is it the man’s death
That’s on the front page?
And what about this?
You walk in a store,
and some of the girl’s clothes
Are ten percent more!
We struggle, we stumble,
We work every day,
The men do the same,
But they still get their way!
The world can be cruel,
But us girls are clever.
And who knows what might happen
If we work together?
We’re leaders and lawyers,
We’re fighters, we’re friends,
We’re helpers and healers,
We bring peace, make amends.
So if you’re a girl,
And you think boys are cooler,
Think: are you a girl?
Or are you a ruler?