Love Song to a Birch

by Marian Moldaschl aged 11


If I were to take
preserved moonlight,
unfolded like origami,
it could not compare to your bark.

If I were to take
the purest emeralds,
and chip them with the finest silver,
still they would not compare with your leaves.

If I were to take
the strongest dam,
and use it to block the flood,
it wouldn’t come close to your roots.

With your patchwork moonlight coat
glinting in the sun,
and your leaves that give the air we breathe,
your magic is second to none.

2 Responses to “Love Song to a Birch”

  • maria

    i love it was amazing i am so happy you were a winner in january 5th.

  • Susan England

    A remarkably sophisticated poem. I hope Marian continues to test her skill as a poet.

The Poetry Zone

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