Let’s Bid 2022 a Happy Goodbye!

by Shifa aged 13

It’s time for New Year’s Eve!
Time for us to achieve,
achieve our goals,
and to believe.
Control your negativity,
stay happy,
stay calm,
let this new year be a year
full of hope,
full of dreams,
a time of joy.
Forget all the grief,
the sorrow,
false hopes.
It’s about your family,
things you have,
be grateful.
Some people are out there,
without the stuff you are holding.
Think about others.
This year is going to be full of joy.
Hope for the best,
and try to enjoy!
The last day of this year 31 December is near,
almost here.
I have lived for 365 days,
Which I will remember always!
You are going to be older,
be someone’s shoulder!
Happy New Year!!

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