Ladybug Love: The Search for Listless Linda

by Jenisha Jain aged 5

Once there was a ladybug called Linda—
She loved her little babies,
She was very tiny and colorful!
She lived with her little babies in the grass,
She was very kind to them and helped them.

You might not know who Linda is
But sometimes, her family crawls up on our legs!
But one day, a catastrophe happened!
Linda got lost in the dense meadow,

Linda’s family saw that she was nowhere to be seen!
They all got worried and started crying,
They took out their Little Ladybug Lamps,
Because they cared for Linda.

And then, they searched for Linda so carefully—
But they still could not find her!
They stopped for a food break, where they fried—
Small, small insects and ate them.

They did not sleep all night,
And suddenly, they saw Linda!
She had fallen asleep in the middle of the meadow!
When she woke up, they scolded her!
“Listless, lethargic Linda!” they yelled.

4 Responses to “Ladybug Love: The Search for Listless Linda”

      • Roger Stevens

        Hi Jenisha. That’s very good for your age. Well done.

  • Heva Bashir

    I like it very much, but lethargic and scolded, I don’t think 5 year olds would know that but amazing job!

The Poetry Zone

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