Just Try to Understand Me
I feel things louder, big and bright,
It’s hard to calm down, even when I fight.
With ADHD, my mind runs fast,
Thoughts zoom by, they never last.
My autism makes the world feel strong
Noises, lights, and crowds feel wrong.
When someone’s close, it’s hard to breathe,
I get annoyed, I want to leave.
I want to listen, sit, and stay,
But sometimes words just drift away.
The noises stack up, loud and strong,
Like every sound’s a banging gong.
I know I mess up, it makes me sad,
I don’t want to make you mad.
I feel like sometimes I’m left out,
And punished more that fills me with doubt.
I try my best but need some space,
A little time, a slower pace.
If you could see the world I see,
You’d know it’s not that easy for me.
With patience, care, and space to roam,
School would feel more like home.
One Response to “Just Try to Understand Me”

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Good poem, good work.