In the Shadow of the Streets

by Hana aged 12

In the shadow of the streets

Beneath city lights, a sombre tale unfolds

A worsening problem, we can’t ignore

Invisible to the bustling crowds,

Let’s take a moment and listen to their plight

The agony of hunger coupled with bitter chills,

Freezing extremities and dreaded shame,

The smell of desperation engulfing souls,

Reliant upon the mercy of strangers,

Poverty stricken, grief ridden,

A handout here, a handout there,

Their homes the streets, their beds the ground

No worldly belongings bar a blanket for shelter,

A beacon of light in the form of a food bank,

The look of pity from passers by,

Led here by a series of unfortunate events,

Now searching for hope beneath the stars

In shadowed alleys, dreams lie cold,

Governments come and governments go,

Homelessness still rife across communities,

Struggles ignored in a world so unkind!

Refrain from turning the other cheek,

Let’s open our hearts and lend a hand

Offer solace to those seeking refuge

Let’s heal, shelter and be a friend.

The Poetry Zone

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