I like to dream, but unfortunately, this is no dream,
I wonder what would happen if I wasn’t here that day,
I wonder if I could still be able to meet my friends
or text my sister,
or hug my parents.
But that wasn’t what fate wanted to do with me.
Well, fate you say,
fate is what put me in this coffin,
fate is what made my brother join me with his own coffin,
fate is what got my dad drunk,
and abusive.
But what I wished most of all,
is why fate decided it should take you away, sis.
Just what if I wasn’t in that day.
what if that man hadn’t come into the room.
But I can’t change that now.
So, with my closing announcement,
I didn’t want to leave you alone, mum,
I didn’t want to put you into your problem, dad,
I didn’t want to put you into depression, sis.
and I wish that man didn’t put you in my situation, brother.

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