I Wish You Would Understand

by Bethany aged 11

harte beets faris coulers
and promisess how to be brave
how can i love wen i am afred one step clocer !!!!!!!!!
i have die evryday waiting for you darlid
you will be afred i have love you for a thouesnd years!!!
and wish you wold understand
i love you for a thpusend years.
so i wish you coud understand me talking slowly
since me in the room snugling up crying
like their is no were to stared like their is no were to STARED
cus i have die evryday waiting for you daely
dont be afred
i have love you of a thousend years
now loved for a thouesend years
and i wish you would understand
i have loved you for a thousend
yesesayacha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ans done.

One Response to “I Wish You Would Understand”

  • Roger Stevens

    Hi Bethany. Normally I would edit this, but I like the way the words come tumbling out, half formed, badly spelled. So I’ve just laid it in lines so it looks more like a poem. I like it.

The Poetry Zone

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