Christmas Poem

by Hava aged 13

It’s that time of the year
Full with Christmas cheer
The towering trees ready to be decorated
What gifts had St Nicoles generated?

The house is now a furry ball
With all the tinsels enclosing the hall
Now it’s feeling like a casa in a dome
When will this magical day begin to roam?

Christmas is like a dove
Gliding about finding love!
What do you do on this day?
Well it’s the birthday of the baby in the hey.

It’s Christmas eve
Let’s not deceive
Give to others for a change
As it will make the spirit grow like a mountain range.

The squealing of toddlers
The feeling of excitement
Tomorrow Santa will give them a mask as an assignment.
The parents hushing the kids
But the ear-splitting chaos is contagious between the grandkids.

They gallop up the stairs
Find the stockings, soon to be full
Hang them about, till the wool is dull.
Up to bed, their next leap
All is done time to sleep!

It’s that time of the year
Full with Christmas cheer.
Now family starts to gather round
It feels like for once this year, worries are drowned.

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