Sing little bird,
Sing the night away.
Little do you know,
that you can’t the next day.
Hurry little bird,
Hurry and pack your belongings.
Take your necessities,
and listen to their warnings.
Run little bird
Run for your life,
Can’t carry your birdsong with you,
If you want to survive.
Keep going little bird,
Keep going though you’re tired.
I know you can do it,
Just a few more miles.
Silence little bird,
Silence is key,
We hide here,
So no-one can find you and me.
Hush little bird,
Hush, don’t be afraid,
For it is situations such as this,
where character is made.
Bang little bird,
Bang goes a gun.
But don’t worry ,little bird,
we’ll soon see the sun.
Sorry little bird,
Sorry you’ve lost your birdsong.
Sorry that I was caught,
and that I couldn’t stay very long.
This is the end little bird,
This is the end for you.
I’m sorry about your birdsong,
and sorry I didn’t get to save you…
(for context, this poem is written from the perspective of a parent trying to survive a war with their young child which they call ‘little bird’ however unfortunately neither of them survived. It’s almost an apology to the young child about what happened and the fact that the parent was unfortunately already killed before they could save their ‘little bird’)