Aim for Fame

by Harshita Das aged 17

I stare from the ground, up into the starry sky
I will aim for glory; to be famous and known
Immortal through my name and deeds
People won’t ever forget the light that I have shown

And as I come closer to my egocentric goal
Performing deeds, for gain instead of good
I realize, no matter how bright I’ll twinkle and shine
The Sun will come up; and wipe all the stars into the abyss

Then, I get frustrated, furious and desperate
Immortality is what I had longed for, I had a clear aim
Now clinging to the crystal goal
I set forward to re-earn my fame

My goal didn’t change; but my methods did
For Villains are carved firmly into stone
Instead of light; I would be the dark
I would be the one who people abhorred
And my name would be unbendable from history

And so I tell you, don’t trick yourself
Perform good deeds not for glory
But for yourself; for a clean conscience
Which grows from gratitude
And the happiness for the one you helped

The Poetry Zone

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