Cats by Bonitaflor Lockhart (age11)

big cats
small cats
black cats
white cats
polka-dotted heart cats
orange cats
red cats
big furry blue cats
pink cats
green cats
wherever in the world cats
cats are good
cats are bad
but there’s no cat like my cat
blue polka-dotted pink swirl curl
blue honey-money with a
big pink bunny.

My Cat’s Asleep Where? by Robyn (aged 12) 

This is a list
As you might know
About my cat
In sun and snow
This unusual list
You may see
Is where my cat sleeps
When hiding from me
Number one, I think
Is the sun room table
To jump up there
She is more than able
Number two, I should guess
Would be the couch
Where she likes to curl up
With a cute catnip pouch
Number three, I suppose
Could be on the chair
No, not inside
Outside, with fresh air
Number four, hmm.. lets see
Maybe in a box?
Purring blissfully, away from smelly socks
Number five, ooh, that’s tough
But I’m sure that there is one!
Maybe on my comfy bed
Just soaking up the sun
That’s it for now
I guess I’m through
That’s enough
Though there are others, too

A Treasure Hunt by Alysha Bhatti (aged 8)

Secret treasure
Joy and pleasure
Sparkling rocks
And smelly socks
Computer leads
Necklace beads
A carry cot
A flower pot
A Barbie leg
A wooden peg
A raggy doll
A bingo ball
Pirate mask
Aladdin flask
A witch’s hat
A stinky cat
Toilet rolls
Old plimsolls
The rolling pin
And biscuit tin
All in the shed
Beneath my bed.

The Things in My Desk by Ashley Mims

I have things in my desk a lot
A lot of things in my desk
A recorder, eraser, and a pencil, too
Don’t forget about the… SUPER GLUE
It’s stuck to the tissues
that’s inside the book
You know, I don’t even want to take a look
In that messy desk.

Under My Bed by Joseph Nestor

Under my bed I might find
a head and a shoe, a sock
and a masterpiece lock.
I could find some wooden toys,
shirts and an ear
because I clean my room once a year.
I will find games
about different names.
I can’t remember the rest
because it is such a mess.