Who Let the Words Out?

THIS competition is now closed.

Watch out for the winning entries soon.

Send us a poem about the time of year – September, October or November. It can be about nature (the leaves on the trees are turning orange and gold and winter’s on the way), about going back to school (do you have a new teacher? Maybe you’ve changed school) or about things that happen in these months. Halloween is coming (you could send us a scary poem) and in the UK there’s bonfire night (you could write about firework displays). Maybe there’s a birthday in your family? There are lots of things you could write about.

Poems can be long, short, rhyming or non-rhyming, and in any style. Funny, serious or sad. You may enter as many poems as you like. But remember, we are looking for originality. We suggest you write the poem first, save it on your computer, then cut and paste it into the form. Do double check it – make sure it says what you want it to say, that it has a nice, flowing rhythm and check your spellings.

We have six copies of the brilliant Who Let the Words Out? by Joshua Seigal to give as prizes.

Write your poem in the competition box below. And make sure you include your email address so that we can contact you if you win. You don’t have to be British or come from the UK to enter but poems must be in English. And you must be between 3 and 18 years old to enter. Poems MUST be your own work.

All poems entered will be shown in the Poetry Zone in December. The competition closes on Weds 15th November. Good luck!

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