I Am a Poetato

I Am a Poetato  by John Hegley
I Am a Poetato
by John Hegley

Competition now closed. Winners and runners up are shown below.

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Win John Hegley’s brilliant new book of poems  I Am a Poetato. An animal for every letter of the alphabet – from Alligator, through (wise) Camels, the difference between a Dog and a Deckchair and the unusual Unicorn in school to spotty Zebras. We have three copies of this gorgeous hardback to award as prizes. Simply send us an animal poem!

And as a special SCHOOLS prize – your class can win SIX copies of Grrr! Dinos, Dragons & Other Beastie Poems (Macmillan Children’s Books) by James Carter and Graham Denton. Simply send SIX animal poems from your class. Be sure to include your school and class on each entry form.

Poems must be original work, you must be no older than 18, and poems must reach us by Christmas. GOOD LUCK. The best poems entered will be published by The Poetry Zone in February.

Our Boy Fry

by Iwan and Teagan Parry aged 8 and 7

Our boy Fry is everybody’s friend,
He’ll leap up to kiss you and ignore my command.
And although he looks officious
with his Sergeant Major moustache,
our boy Fry just wants his belly scratched.

He’s handsome, but greedy and will sniff out a crumb.
Yet to pet him and stroke him is to succumb
to his charm.
Our boy Fry can say sorry with his eyes,
but he never has to because
he never bites.
Yes, he pulls on his lead
and barks at the door,
but our dog Fry is at ease,
nuzzled up, sleeping,
on the kitchen floor.


by Elisha aged 10

Animal Competition Winner

1..2..3..4.. hear the mighty lion roar,
5..6..7..8.. hear that little rattling snake,
9..10..11..12.. see that little sneaky wolf,
13..14..15..16.. aahhh, that hyena’s being mean.

So that’s the story of the animals
I hope you liked it because
here come a stampede of elephants

Centipede at the Marathon

by Ruhee Parelkar aged 11

Animal Competition Winner

A centipede in the children’s park
One winter morning made a remark,
“Let me practice in the garden lawn
And take part in the marathon.”

“The task isn’t easy, it sounds uphill
But I’ll find out a way, since I have the will.
I’ll work out a healthy appetite
And practice rigorously from morn to night.”

As the days went by, his hopes went high
“I can’t afford to lose,” he said with a sigh.
Said his friends “If you call yourself a true athlete
You need to wear shoes and not run bare feet!”

“That’s a good idea” thought the rising star
And jogged his way to the nearest bazaar.
“One pair of shoes won’t be enough for me
Why don’t you pack up at least fifty?”

On the marathon day, he was late for the start
And so had to return with a heavy heart.
All that he could do was just weep and sob.
Tying one hundred shoestrings was no easy job


by Brooke Enbom aged 9

Competition Runner Up

What’s that noise? What’s that sound?
The earth is trembling, we look around.
And there he is so big and great,
I’m so small, I could be his dinner on a plate.

His ears look like huge pancakes and fans,
You can see them anywhere on the hills and lands.
Instead of a nose swings a long trunk,
When it gets really how, he like to take a dunk.

Stomp! Stomp! is the sound his feet make.
He doesn’t sleep much, he prefers to stay awake.
He truly is a magnificent sight,
with his gleaming tusks and incredible height!


by Skye Jordan aged 9

Competition Runner Up

Swim, swim, little fishy,
before you get put on the dishy.
Oh Little Mackerel, Little Tuna and Little Cod,
some other types of fish are rather odd!

Quick spiky pufferfish, blow yourself up,
a predator’s coming to eat you all up!
Hello Goldfish, swimming in your bowl,
at least no other bigger fish will destroy your soul (lucky thing).

Tropical fish, in your warm water,
wait, have you grown just a little bit shorter?
Swim, swim little fishy,
before you get put on the dishy.

Elephants and Peanuts. What is the Connection?

by Rishikesh Suthaar aged 8

Competition Runner Up

My lovable baby elephant
is secretly hidden in the house
in the basement
I gave him food
Peanut butter, peanut pickle,
peanut jam, peanut bread
and peanut ice cream.

It kept on saying Peanuts, peanuts
I got so annoyed that in class
I drew peanuts in my work books
My teacher found out somehow
and yelled at me
and sent me out of the classroom

Elephants and peanuts
What is the connection?

My Pet

by Muhsanah Chowdhury aged 9

Competition Runner Up

My pet has zebra strips except red and yellow.
My pet has fluffy purple ears which stick out.
My pet has an orange beak that looks like a bird’s beak.
My pet has a tail like an elephant’s tail.
My pet has 8 tentacles like an octopus.
My pet has 2 wings like a butterfly.
My pet has 4 pink feet like a panther.
My pet is a Zebelbirpupbutterpanocto.

Acrostic Rabbit Poem

by Mackenzie P and Jake H aged 10 and 11

Competition Runner Up

Revolting rabid rats don’t eat sprats.
Armadillos are only armoured rodents who eat ants.
Bellowing buffaloes trample through the grassy terrain.
Berserker bats patrol the area with their solar hearing.
Intelligent insects such as ants and spiders all have unique ways to survive.
Trampling elephants smash the trees like a silver bulldozer.

Who Am I?

by Emily McCoy aged 10

Competition Runner Up

Chip snatcher,
My poos are for good luck.
Flying around in the air,
Above the screams down below.
Destroying your meals,
Stealing your bait.
Can you guess who I am?


A seagull

The Dog

by Claira-Michelle Roberts aged 9

Competition Runner Up

Bone cruncher
Hole digger
Barking beast
Furry monster
Rabbit killer
Vicious biter
Snow lover
Mighty hunter