We all know our planet is in danger. And it’s up to everyone to make things better. So write a poem about what we can do to solve the problems we face. Your poem could focus on global warming, or explore how we can protect the bees and other insects, or ensure a future for endangered animals. You might think of ways we can stop using plastic or how we can be better at recycling. Do try to be positive. Your poem can be in any style, serious, sad or funny. Good luck.
We have six copies of Be the Change – Poems to help you save the world to give as prizes.
Write your poem in the competition box below. And make sure you include your email address so that we can contact you if you win. You don’t have to be come from the UK to enter but poems must be in English. And you must be aged between 3 and 18 years old to enter. Poems MUST be your own work.
The six winners, plus the best of the poems entered will be featured here in December.
The competition closes on November 5th, 2019.
Good luck!