Your Best Poem

This competition is now closed. A new competition will be starting soon.

This year, 2018, is the 20th anniversary of the Poetry Zone. That’s right, we’ve been going for twenty years! To celebrate, in October, Troika Books are going to publish The Poetry Zone Book of Children’s Poems. There will poems by lots of famous poets, whom we’ve interviewed and whose books we’ve reviewed over the years, some of my poems and, more importantly, some of YOUR poems!

Simply send us a poem. Any poem. It can be a new poem or one you’ve already written that everyone says is your best. It can be on any subject, and in any style. It can be serious, silly, happy or sad. It can be long or short. It can rhyme or not.

The writers of the best six poems will receive a copy of The Same Inside, poems about empathy and friendship (Macmillan) by Liz Brownlee, Matt Goodfellow and Roger Stevens. And the winning poems will be published in The Poetry Zone book.

Write your poem in the competition box below. Make sure you include your email address so that we can contact you if you win. If you do win we will also need to ask your parents’ permission (on your behalf) for your work to be published in the book. You don’t have to be British or come from the UK to enter but poems must be in English. And you must be between 3 and 18 years old to enter. Poems MUST be your own work.

All poems entered will be shown on the website as they come in, in the Competitions section. The competition closes on March 31st 2018. The winners will be notified at the end of April. Good luck!

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