Imagine – if your pet could talk, what would it say? We had a great response when we set this challenge. Here are some of the best poems sent in.

 I’m Lonely by Danny Schneider’s dog (age 12)

Just throw me a bone,
I’m sitting here alone.
Give me something to chew.
Oh won’t you?

A Poem by Scout the Hamster
sent by Kassandra Crum (aged 12)

All of you humans reading this,
Prepare to be under my command,
For I am going to take over the world,
And there is nothing you can do,
Because this process will take place next week,
So now if any one tries to persuade me,
You will most likely have one less finger,
So spread the word,
Because you all will be in my command next week,
And just be glad you were the first to know.

My Favourite Human by Porky Pig (typed by Nicole )

I’m Porky the pig,
And the dude that I dig
Is my owner, who’s just like me!
He goes messing around
Eats anything found
He’s the biggest hog there could be!

I’m Porky the Pig
And I love doin’ the jig
With my owner, who’s just like me!
We roll in the mud
Till we’re covered in crud,
He’s the closest to family!

Puppy Power as translated into human by Malcolm Bean (aged 11)

They claim to be walking us
but we know better
We smell what they forgot
It doesn’t matter if you’re a Terrier or Setter
Sure we let them feed us
but it’s our planet
we’ve run, we’ve played
and since the beginning we ran it
So all humans listen up
This is very, very important
No one can beat the power of the pup!

I’m a Horse as told to Lucienne Peach (aged 11)

Ouch, will you please get off of me!
Spend one day as me and you’ll see,
Find the time to lose some weight,
I’m not that strong, my back isn’t that straight!
I’m hungry – feed me now!
I don’t want to learn how to bow.

Ouch my teeth hurt,
Please don’t get that dentist, Dr Kurt,
Let me have more sugar lumps,
They’re very nice you know,
Last time you gave me some,
You got distracted by that crow,

I’m sorry I complain,
I can’t help it – I’m insane,
But there’s one thing I want to say,
And it’s not because you feed me hay,
I just wanted to say

Pet’s Poem as told to Clayton Evans (aged 12)

Those humans.
They think they own us.
Well let me tell you something,
We own them.


They force us to do these crazy things, but we own them.
We have the power to send them running in fear,
Crying in sadness,
Begging in helplessness,
And whimpering in pity.

They think we are theirs,
But they are ours.

What I Would Say! as told to May-May Chen (aged 9)

Woof, woof, woof! I would say,
Give me my food for the rest of the day!

Woow,woow,woow! I would bark,
Don’t let me here alone in the dark!

Grrrrr, grrrrr, grrrr! I would growl,
Don’t disturb me when I am eating out of my bowl!

Hu, hu, hu! I would pant,
I can’t run! oh! no! I can’t!

Ko, Ko, Ko I would snore,
I sleep right by the door!

Auh, auh,auh! I would whine,
“I want to go with you to the woods of pine!”

If My Dog Could Talk by Lily (aged 9)

If my dog could talk
I would be amazingly proud,
I’d tell the world about her talent,
I’d piercingly scream and shout,
Then, I would cuddle my marvellous dog.
Oh, how famous she’d be.

Woof Woof! by Sneha Chatterjee

If he could talk?
Oh my!
I wouldn’t have to keep my diary anymore.

But who says he can’t talk?
When he says woof,
Only I know what he means
It’s a language meant for just us.
Language of companionship
Knows no boundaries.
He says his best
When he says nothing.