There was a boy named Rinzen.
He spent his time all-day
He played Fortnite all-day
And his father was not around to play.
There was a boy named Rinzen.
He spent his time all-day
He played Fortnite all-day
And his father was not around to play.
Oh why do I feel this way?
When I got my life in control
but I can’t keep up with it,
I need to go faster.
Oh why do I feel this way?!
When I’m happy and content,
when I’m finally getting a grip,
but I come back to square one
oh oh oh why do I keep feeling like this?
I’ve got family and friends
I got people that care
but I can’t shake off
the experience I’ve had!
I just need to run away,
where I’m all alone and at peace,
but I don’t want to worry anyone,
oh why do I feel this way???
I have some boisterous oysters
Billy, Bob and Bamby
They are baby boisterous oysters
that barely run away.
Billy, Bob and Bamby
bounce around all day
breaking brass band instruments
they are not allowed to stay.
Billy, Bob and Bamby
are as bad as bad can be
they always bounce around me
when I drink iced tea.
My baby boisterous oysters
may be bad, but hey!
I love my baby boisterous oysters.
I hope they never go away!
In the Garden of Paints, memories are coloured and stars are drawn.
In the Closet of Hopes, wishes are formed and fantasies are discovered.
In the Drawer of Dreams, pictures are kept for all to see.
In the Shower of Jealousy, somebody craves what’s not theirs.
In the House of Blankets, warmth is stored and happiness held.
In the Cupboard of Pencils, thoughts are shared and images are placed.
Upon the soft, scented grass,
I gently spread out the blanket,
I let my body rest on the earth,
I scanned the lucid, moonlit sky.
Some stars shimmied,
Some stars dazzled,
Some stars sparkled,
Some stars danced.
How would it feel to be a star,
Everyone watching you from afar,
Would you be content with your existence,
Billions of eyes admiring from a distance?
I fell asleep right then and there,
Wondering what it’s like to twinkle in the air.
Do stars enjoy being the spotlights?
Do stars wish there were more cloudy nights?
I like to dream, but unfortunately, this is no dream,
I wonder what would happen if I wasn’t here that day,
I wonder if I could still be able to meet my friends
or text my sister,
or hug my parents.
But that wasn’t what fate wanted to do with me.
Well, fate you say,
fate is what put me in this coffin,
fate is what made my brother join me with his own coffin,
fate is what got my dad drunk,
and abusive.
But what I wished most of all,
is why fate decided it should take you away, sis.
Just what if I wasn’t in that day.
what if that man hadn’t come into the room.
But I can’t change that now.
So, with my closing announcement,
I didn’t want to leave you alone, mum,
I didn’t want to put you into your problem, dad,
I didn’t want to put you into depression, sis.
and I wish that man didn’t put you in my situation, brother.
thunder came and it became dark
storms raged and dogs couldn’t bark
people knew they were far from the spark
the light right between the clouds dimmed
and the view was dark for the show to be filmed
everyone knew the goodness was spilled
graves knew dead bodies will be filled
because death showed them with a smile
saying it will go one extra mile
to end where the thunder fell
and bring darkness to anything that could smell
I got you an invisible wing
Please carry it with you always.
The day I met you
Is on my mind;
Don’t just leave the wing back
Cause it’s what I gave you.
I am remembering you,
On that day you said,
We are there,
Let’s do all what we need
With our invisible wing high.
I think that,
Our dreams may be but;
Still i miss you!
Let’s just walk with our
Little invisible wing
Which I gave you on the
Day I met you!
Lying on me,
Colour that says on:
Flying so high
Cooling me tight.
Never the devil
Shows me the heaven,
Cared as partner
But made me a waiter!
Taught me as a teacher,
Forgot to be a well wisher;
Earmarked my heart,
Now, where are you apart?
I look to you,
you look to me.
Are we who we are meant to be?
Yes, I should think,
and you shan’t blink
until we hear the clink
of our glasses.