
by Dmitrii Trofilov

The the hum and whir
Of the systems of computers
And the appliances of all the humans.

The addictive ones
The unhealthy ones
All that is about those computers.

All the things you can do
With your family
With your pet,
That all are not those beasts

Those computers are mean,
They take our time,
and take our love,
They devour us.

Banana is Good

by Kanye East

Banana is good
Full of potassium
Can eat it all day
But radiation is emitted from banana
So I can’t eat too many
Otherwise I will get sick
And then I can’t eat banana anymore
But banana will always be in my heart

The Kid Called Logan

by Joe

Logan, a funny little weird guy
Sometimes he’s so silly he’d get hit with a pie
Walking around the place
Getting himself in a bit of a chase
Making funny sounds
Looking like an hilarious clown
Playing mobile legends all day
Until the moon comes out to play.

Her Final Deception

by Myla

The silent mourners clad in white
Lament in wordless song
Their soundless screams of misery
Are lost in twilight’s ink

They shake their heads as they hear the news
Far too young, they accuse
Far too good for the brush of Death
To stifle her choking breath

Oh, for she was pure of heart
With a beauty, unmatched
Silver tresses spilling softly
Now are pooled around her head
Adorned with crimson petals
Which will never see sun again

But out of the stillness, a voice
She cannot be truly

The speaker wears blood red rubies
Revolting gems that crash
Against the side of his wife’s coffin
As he lowers her

He must be dreaming
Because she whispers
she whispers
From her bed of dirt and soil

you did not think
that setting me on fire
would make you ashes too
my love.

Her deafening screams of misery
Are lost in twilight’s ink.

I Love Rinzen

by Damarcus

I love Rinzen
He is great
Rinzen plays Fortnite
All day and all night
His dad can’t play
Because he is going to pay
For the milk they need
To eat their cereal


by Damarcus

Inside it is safe
Inside I can play
Without being teased
Inside, I’m always pleased
Sitting down all day
I just sit there and play and play
When I play, I don’t have to pay
But when I do pay, my imaginary friends go
“No way!”
I buy the newest skins
And then win win win!

Samurai with Jetpacks

by Demetrius Demarcus Bartholomew Cornelius Octavius

Big, loud, Samurais
Small, quiet, silver, jetpacks
They crash in heaven

The Fortnite Boy 2

by Jamal

There was a boy that lived so far away

He was cranking all day

He played creative all day.

And had no life.

Not Here to Play

by Brodie

You woke up to play
You want to play all day
Your dad is not here to play
Your friends are not here today

You wait all day to play
Your dad is here now, you try to play
He says I’m not here to play
Then he spanks you all day

The Minecraft Kid

by Jamal

There once was an orphan named Alakba
He played all day
Then one day he passed away
From pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
A very bad disease.