This Isn’t Funny

by Raihan Vakil

You have to make a difference
Stop overfishing
You won’t keep getting lucky
This isn’t funny

Stop deforestation
to increase the population
It’s way too sunny
This isn’t funny

The ice caps are melting
and you’re out here resting
We don’t need more of the sea
This isn’t funny

We have to stop global warming
stop the engines from roaring
Just look at Burundi
This isn’t funny

The Life of a Japanese Tree

by Aarav, Jonah and Sia

The seed is first put under the soily ground,
And the roots start to spread around.
The leaves dance in the moonlight wind
Waiting for the flowers to blossom
In spring the birds make nests in the branches
Making themselves a little home.
The tree grows wider as the sun goes down.
The tree dreads this time in winter
Its leaves are falling like bullets from a gun
The lumberjacks see this and chop it down for wood.

War is a Lie

by Layla Balt & Zach Molander

War through my eyes
Brought through a sigh
If you’re shy you will die
Life is a lie
Hi is the new bye
Who wants to win?
Who wants to die?

Highlight the cry
Your gonna die
Life is a lie
War is bad
Now let’s save our land.


The Propaganda Murderer

by Ojasvi Doogar

Look around, what do you see?
Friends, fellow mates, dead.
Some without hands or feet,
Our garden, where we tread,
Now flooded in blood.
How do you feel to see
Our memories in a flood?
So I ask you; bent on my knee,
Just stop-
You’re the villain here.
Putting boys like chips onto the tabletop?
It’s murder – their lives disappear!
Now it’s up to you.
I’ve had my say.
You’ve two choices: murder the crew,
Or save the day.


by Amir Alzuhairi

Think! Wild fires spreading like a virus
The greenhouse suffocating us humans as if
We are getting strangled. Our carbon footprint
Now is more deadly than a knife.

Think! Plastic bag swiftly moving through our wind
Then in the ocean killing turtles. Fish used drink
Water now they drink our gasoline which is
Being tossed in the ocean.

Think! The reefs look like skittered skeletons
Across the ocean floor. If we can’t take
Care of world or animals habitats we
Humans don’t have very long left.

The Laws Of Nature

by Hugo, Keenan, Luke and Yepeil

A river far away
Big and beautiful
Before diminished days
Trees flourishing in plentiful ways
Before forest fires set them ablaze
If we don’t stop now, it will become a maze
If it gets too late, it can’t be repaid
The planet will slowly degrade, so
The laws of nature should be obeyed

The Nazi Invasion

by Heidi

I hear the bang
I hide in fright
I grab my sister who has cried all night

We hide together
Huddled tight
Ready for the war that has started tonight

We hear sirens up ahead
Red lights shine on my head
And before I knew it I was swept away
Never to see my sister ever again

Fortnite is Dead

by Josh and Michael

Console, pc, didn’t matter to me
Season one just begun, we were all newbies…

Unusual Friends

by Molly Carter

Wicked Willow weeps with worried whales,
Judgemental Jude juggles jiggly jelly,
Visible Violet visits violent volcanoes,
Zippy Zoe zooms to Zebra zoos,
Ravenous Ryan receives regular risotto,
Optomistic Ollie organises obedient Octopi.

My Discord Kittens

by Kanye East

I stay inside all day talking to my chins
I don’t throw my trash in the bin
It’s bad, I know
But at least I still have my discord kittens