Resolutions of an Old Man

by Harshita Das

My resolutions last year were a tremendous fail
I didn’t learn ballet, I didn’t learn braille
But this year I’ll make my resolutions anew
A fresh start, with a promise to keep my words true

This year, I shall scale the heights of Mount Everest
Along with pursuing an aquatic biology degree with the greatest zest
I shall read a thousand books and write another four
The myriad time I have left, I shall strive to do more!

More for the environment, more for my health!
I’ll learn skills and accumulate my wealth!
From climbing Mount Everest, I shall have my fame
I’ll use that to start my marketing campaign!

My goals have been penned, my aspirations are high
Now it’s time to sleep and kiss this world goodbye

This message was written on the will of an 89-year old man
Diagnosed with the chronic illness of making unrealistic resolutions every year

Let’s Bid 2022 a Happy Goodbye!

by Shifa

It’s time for New Year’s Eve!
Time for us to achieve,
achieve our goals,
and to believe.
Control your negativity,
stay happy,
stay calm,
let this new year be a year
full of hope,
full of dreams,
a time of joy.
Forget all the grief,
the sorrow,
false hopes.
It’s about your family,
things you have,
be grateful.
Some people are out there,
without the stuff you are holding.
Think about others.
This year is going to be full of joy.
Hope for the best,
and try to enjoy!
The last day of this year 31 December is near,
almost here.
I have lived for 365 days,
Which I will remember always!
You are going to be older,
be someone’s shoulder!
Happy New Year!!

Christmas Poem

by Anthony Collier

Hi My 1st Christmas poem of 2022

Here we are it’s Christmas time.
I better get my notepad and start to rhyme.

Buy all the food and a lot of cake.
how many mince pies can you make?

Wrapping all the gifts, it’s time for a sing song.
and I will deliver cards and Christmas presents as we walk along

To family and friends have a great Christmas and enjoy what you can .
Merry Christmas to everyone and last but least my Nan ❤️xx

Threat and Curse

by Jessica Lily Thompson

Answer the question and you’ll be free!
“Let me out! I want to go home.”
Get it correct, I’ll even give you a comb.
“I don’t know! I don’t know!”
Turn down the treadmill, keep it slow,
Think some more and you might realize the answer
Soon enough imma get cancer!
If I don’t have a response, I shall hit the button,
Then you will go down for glutton
I’ll tell the press, you were doing something illegal
Oh, why are you so feeble?
“Oh for heaven’s sake! I’m being held captive.
By the way you are very attractive.
Aphrodite shall be jealous when she looks at you.”
Thanks for the compliment. Now you are through!
Prettier then Aphrodite I am now.
Whilst everyone else looks like a cow.
“Cursed is what you are now with not long left,
I shan’t go down for theft!”
What do you mean cursed?
Now you say it, I do have a rather quenching thirst.
“See what I can set in motion.
Whilst you sit a pretend to make a potion.”
It is not pretend!
It’s time for this feud to end.
Finally, I did it.
No punishment feels more fit.
“Just, remember
It’s almost December.
The day you once struck and was locked up,
You look pale…need a cup?”

At Christmas I Wonder

by Natalie Zariwny

Sometimes I sit down and wonder where we may be,

If you had decided to stay, would we have a tree?

Sometimes I wonder if you were still here,

Would we be Christmas shopping, laughing and full of cheer?

Sometimes I sit down and wonder, if you were sleeping down the hall,

Would I feel safer and excited as them all?

Sometimes I wonder, if you had chosen me,

Would I be happier, could Christmas be filled with glee?

Cause right now the music isn’t so bright in the air,

I don’t wanna sing, and honestly I don’t really care,

Cause the one thing I want for Christmas will not come to be,

Cause this year, you will be no where I can see.

Earth Pains

by Hugo Sinclair

The Earth is in pain
There is no gain
We will all suffocate
The oil, trees and plastic are all the bait
The oceans and seas and lakes are all filled with waste
The Earth cannot be replaced
What will you do when the Earth will be a desert?
You gotta put in the effort
You have to make a change
You gotta speak out against Climate change
One change at a time
Will make the environment reunite
Take this chance
Take this opportunity
We are all in this together as a community
This task requires our unity
You gotta try
Or else we’ll all die
We’ll all stand by
We’ll all have to comply
You might think the world is fine
But the truth is we don’t have much time
We have to try and survive
So let’s make the Earth thrive

Disco Time

by Jovan

Hello guys it’s Jovan and you now what time it is…
Jovan loves disco time because he likes to show off his amazing moves
when the disco music is playing
He will dance forever until the music is stopped,
all day and all night he can dance as long as the music is still playing
and his friends are still partying.

Jamal and His Father

by Demetrius Demarcus Bartholomew Cornelius Octavius III

Jamal was happy
Jamal was snappy
Jamal had a pappy
One day when he walked home
When he knocks
He saw a black box
His dad was not there
His dad was not here
He got told by the cops
That his dad went to his pops

Mountain Dew!

by Joe

Coca Cola is bad,
Mountain Dew is valid!
Mountain Dew all day
Coca Cola hides away
I love Mountain Dew!.

Pollution With No Solution

by Ahmed Abdelgawad and Ali Tammam

Lands sink, because of us
We have to stop this fuss
Our world is changing,
We are not obtaining

Our world is polluted,
We have no solutions,
More like no excuses
Pollution is an executiona

Our world is crying,
Our trees are dying,
Our waters are turning black,
There is no turning back

We’re just sitting there,
Our world is screaming, it’s not fair,
This is in our hands
Let’s not lose what we had for free,

Our world used to be crystal clear
And now we live in fear,
So let us plant a better seed
We can’t live in a world of greed.