I Love School

by LGH

GCSEs are as easy as peas
Chemistry is my rock,
If I was a boat it’d be the dock.
Dance was picked by chance
Spanish was picked
When the paper was licked.
Assemblies on a Friday,
Always make me go, “Oh Yay!”
I can’t wait for prom
I just wanna know where my dress is from


by Umzie

I ate some popcorn yesterday
I wanted to go and play
The popcorn did not digest
It hurt me a lot
So I took a shot
And did a vomit
Then I spit
In the pit
Then I got hit
By my babysitter
She fed me the popcorn
It had too many laxatives

In Music

by Riti Pamecha

In music class
We had a glass
Full of milk
It was a blast
And all our class
Played a game
After that
We went to the shop
And had a hop
And bought a top
From my favourite place
It was a great day
I shall say
In my music class

Sea Of Tears

by Stella Lynn

The Sun is setting.
Falling out of view.
The ocean surrounded him.
All that was left was his orange and yellow hue.
My friend, my only friend
Descending into the blue.

My heart turned cold as the mist of the sea.
The night swallowed me whole.
And so my heart sang out a plea
I ask rest for my soul.

My friend is gone.
I’ve said goodbye.
I have faced my fears
and so I cry and sail away
on my sea of tears.

Who Am I?

by Nadia

Marathon- king


by Ondrej Horvat

Tea’s gone cold wondering why
I got out of bed at all

Morning rain clouds my window
and I can’t see at all

Even if I could it would all be grey
but your picture on my wall

Reminds me
that its not too bad at all

Our Day Out

by Riti Pamecha

Every day
Two days
Tomorrow day
The last day…
Our first day
Was not today
But instead yesterday
Was our day out

The Moon and the Dark

by Florence

There once was a soul with a golden heart
But it was broken and torn apart
That heart, once filled with love
Belonged to an angel, sent from above

The soul found peace in the dark
The soul so broken, lost its spark
It found love in the moonlight
As it was simply not ready
for the sun, so bright

The moon was gentle and kind
It brought peace to the soul’s mind
It loved the little soul
It made it complete and feel whole

The moon was surrounded by countless stars
They lit the soul too, and its scars
It made the soul feel bare
And the moon was aware

Yet there wasn’t much the moon could do
As it loved the stars and their light too
It tried its best to make all feel fine
But didn’t realise it had lost its shine

The soul was left in the dark
Hopelessly searching for its spark
It tried to shine like all other stars
Trying to fight lost wars

It broke more and felt hurt
The broken feeling that couldn’t be cured
But then the moon returned and shone once again
Healing the soul a little
and some of the pain

A little love was all it fed
To heal the broken heart that bled
Once again the soul found peace
Now it could deal with the pain, love would ease

The moon promised it wouldn’t leave again, never
It would love the soul always and forever
The moon and the soul now alone
And once again the soul shone.


by Francesca Larcombe

I breathe
I see
And I seek
I spin
I twirl
And I dance

The way the breeze compliments my movements
The way I’m greeted by the setting sun
How its rays reach down to touch my face
How it overrides the colour of my hair
Chestnut brown to sun-kissed gold
How the meadow feels brimming with life
And the sunflowers turn to watch me
The cornflowers stubby and small
The tulips and alliums
The Californian poppies waving their leaves
I feel at home in this meadow
Among the wheat grass and wildflowers

Golden Wings of the Highland Sky

by Louis Edwards

The mist upon the loch awakens a feeling deep inside
And the traveller heads west, to where the eagle flies

As the golden wings of the sky bake mountain tops into crisp green horizons
His lucid oceans sing, blessed profoundly by Poseidon

The scythe of the river carves ruthlessly through the valley floor,
While waves weep into the shoreline, to paint the sand forevermore

The only land mystical enough that my thoughts can truly set sail
Where wind storms scar the bungalows, like hoof prints on its trails

Advance four seasons in all their fury but the Highlands stand unshaken.
Sew your mystery to my bones and let my soul awaken.

As I stare into the cancer of city lights I promise to return to you soon,
Where the pines whisper to each other and the mountain wind cries on, into the summer moon.