Though I’m Just Thirteen

by Edward Hare

Amidst the world’s fierce fight and roar,
War marches on, leaving hearts sore.
Soldiers brave, their faces grim,
Fighting battles, hopes growing dim.

Guns and bombs, a dreadful sight,
Tearing apart the peaceful night.
Families shattered, torn apart,
Yearning for a brand new start.

Why can’t peace be our song to sing,
Instead of the havoc that war can bring?
With innocence lost, we long to see
A world where love and kindness roam free.

Though I’m just thirteen, I wish and pray,
For a world where war will fade away.
Let’s join our hands, hearts full of grace,
And strive for peace in every place.

My Sad Life

by Kaydence Wales

Ghosts, vampires all of the above
Zombies, monsters all up above
I love them all
Death, love, heartbreak galore
I love them all
They break my heart, tell me they’re gay
My friends betray me yay yay yay
Who’s with me on this?
My life is sad
It makes me mad

The Lie of War

by Liza and Holly

War is so dreadful.
But maybe successful
Fight for one’s country,
Yet never be free.

Telling your loved ones the same old lie,
That this won’t be our last goodbye.
Come on lads,
Make your dads proud.
You soon will be bowed.

But don’t get your hopes up.
As you are on thin ice,
So don’t let yourself pay the bing bang price.


by Caleb Te Wharau

As Mary sat there in a pool of sunshine,
she felt the warm sun caressing her face
She laid back in the soft grass
running her fingers through it.
She laid back and watched the clouds run above her
and the birds fly past.
She could hear the trees swaying fom side to side
waving at Mary.

Fallen Heroes

by Lukas Lofqvist

When his strength is all he has
War is pain for those fighting
Death is all around
When he reaches his limit
He feels pain
Bellum mortiferum est

When the rain comes
All he has is himself
All those that die
Cry in heaven
His comrades limping like hags
Shaking like scared little children
Bellum venenosum est

Guns blasting
Planes bombing
Tanks blowing
Men dying
Men drowning, guttering, crying
All that live
Respect the fallen men
Bellum deformem


by Ismail Sayeh

In a world of people, different and unique,
Sometimes fear and ignorance speak.
Skin colors vary, shades diverse,
Yet some hearts hold a bias, perverse.

Judging others by the color of skin,
A shallow act that lets no one win.
Racism’s poison, a toxic flow,
Dimming the light that love can show.

But let’s strive for a world that’s fair,
Where kindness triumphs over despair.
Break the chains that hatred forges,
Build bridges instead of divisive gorges.

In unity, strength we find,
A simple truth for all mankind.
Let understanding and empathy bloom,
To erase the shadows of a prejudiced gloom.

Privileges of the White

by Alex Dubois

Down the streets of America there is great fear,
All of them have their finger triggers in their pocket,
While the rest of them are crying black tears,
Hiding under their shaken blankets.

Waiting as they dream of the nights
While all the privileged get to hang loose,
Forevermore the blacks can’t have a flight,
While the Americans have a nice chocolate moose.

All of the discriminated forced into labour,
Something they wouldn’t be able to escape,
Not even being able to talk to their neighbour
All trying to see the white as a man in a cape.

Things would need to change,
Something different needs to start.
It isn’t the colour if your skin,
It’s what you need to change in your heart.

Pax Aliena Est

by Benjamin Kuit

Peace is brought to the fields by wind
Peace is brought by chaos
Peace is the sound of bombs dropping
Peace is brought by pain
Peace is the absence of sound
Peace is the sound of waves lashing
Peace is the hate of evil
Peace is the acceptance of fate
But after all
Pax aliena est

What If He Decides

by Alana Ellison

What if one day he decides he’s had enough
What if one day he decides my family’s just too rough
What if one day he decides he can’t handle me anymore
What if one day he decides I’m no longer a top score
What if one day he decides he doesn’t love me
What if one day he decides he wants to be free
What if one day he decides to flee
What if one day he decides he hates me

Sometimes I Feel Like…

by McLaren James

I’m worthless
Not even perfect
Very horrible
The stupid kid
The very terrible idiot
The worst kid in the family