So wet.
So cold.
It falls from the sky,
Nobody knows why.
It makes you feel so sad
but makes some people happy.
Rain helps the plants.
First Poems
The Flower Garden
Flower, O flower, why do you grow?
Nobody knows where you come from.
The first of you must have been big.
Nobody knows, my dear flower.
Rose, O rose, one of the flowers
Represents love. There are so many kinds of you.
Oh, You Must See The Things I Can Do
Oh, you must see the things I can do.
Why, I can balance your pet fish bowl on your new rake,
and don’t worry it won’t break.
Yes, I can also balance a computer on my head,
along with that old spade in the shed.
I can stand with a ball under my feet,
you’re in for a real treat.
While standing on a broom
my ears can hold a poisonous mushroom
With my eyes tied with a rag,
my head can balance a school bag.
Two pencils in my nose
and a piece of paper between my toes.
My whiskers pure white,
ain’t I ready for a karate fight.
Oh yes, the things I can do.
On my right hand I can a hold a book, and on my left I can wear a hook.
While standing on a mat, my hook can hold a cricket bat.
Standing in your hall,
I can disguise an apple to be a great big bowling ball.
While walking down the street,
it can be a real treat.
as I can make friends with a short beefy neft,
that always goes left.
And while I am in the pool under the bright hot light of the sun,
I can also make friends with a long, skinny zite eating a bun.
And just for fun, I can organise a run,
but not under the bright light of the sun,
but in the light of the moon with a monkey carrying a gun.
And yes, that is exactly what I have done.
And I have done that to have loads of fun.
Everyone says no no no!
But we have already started.
One two three go go go!
Believe In Yourself
Glow in the dark
Glow in the day
Your faith is within you
Your day is coming soon
You are a winner, in the day
And also in the night
When you use your light.
Do You Love Your Mom or Dad?
Do you love your mom or dad?
I love my dad and who do you love
Mom or dad?
I love my mom and baby boy
Who do you love?
Best Of Friends
This is our class!
We have fun in the afternoon
and the morning.
As the light is shining
we go out and have fun for everyone!
Coby the Clever Cat
Anyone seen my cat?
Fussy, frumpy
Fluffy, funny
Coby the clever cat.
He likes to chase animals cautiously.
He likes to sleep.
He sneakily walks on a laptop.
He goes to get attention.
Anyone seen my clever cat?
Fussy, frumpy
Fluffy, funny
Coby the clever cat.
He likes to eat, sleep and climb an ancient tree.
He likes to play and is cute.
Anyone seen my clever cat?
Fussy, frumpy
Fluffy, funny
Coby the clever cat.
Carla the Crazy Cat
Greedy grumpy
Funny fuzzy
Carla the crazy cat.
She loves to play with long string and give presents to her owner.
She loves to eat and play.
She likes to sleep.
She loves to chase dogs and mice.
Anyone seen my cute fat cat?
Greedy grumpy
Funny fuzzy
Carla the crazy cat.
She likes to have her food in a bowl.
She likes to play around like a foal.
She runs around the old tree.
She meows for her tea.
Anyone seen my cute fat cat?
Greedy grumpy
Funny fuzzy
Carla the crazy cat.
Citty the Lazy Cat
Anyone seen my fuzzy, funny cat?
Silly, sleepy
Clever, clumsy
Citty, the lazy cat
She quickly chases small, cute birds
She happily plays with long strings
She climbs trees cautiously and then miaows for food
She dashes to the long, tall, ancient fence
Anyone seen my fuzzy, funny cat?
Silly, sleepy
Clever, clumsy
Citty, the lazy cat
She’s always too lazy to go outside
She is always ready to go to sleep
But then she doesn’t wake up
After 5 hours she wakes up and plays all night
Anyone seen my fuzzy, funny cat?
Silly, sleepy
Clever, clumsy
Citty, the lazy cat