Thomas the Cross Child

by Thomas aged 10

I’m Thomas the Cross Child
I act very babyish and wild
My favourite colour is blue
There’s everything despicable I do
I have memorabilia of Mr Squiggle and Dr Snuggles piled

I hate the sound squeak
It makes me angry each week
Bunnykins crockery is what I get
It’s there when the table’s set
All this makes my friends and family meek

Lucky Boy

by Nayi Linhtet aged 10

There was once a boy,
Who always got treats.
The only problem is that he was really mean.
He would shout to him,
He would shout to her,
He would shout to everyone,
Till it all became a blur.
He wouldn’t do his homework,
Just making a smirk.
He wouldn’t wash the dishes,
Just watching his fish.
He wouldn’t tidy up,
Just drinking a cup.

My Dead Goldfish

by Daniel aged 4

My dead fish managed to drown
it made me frown
tears rolling down my cheek
little fishy was so meek!
Oh why was he chosen?
My life is now frozen
It’s like I’m stuck in ice
because he was too nice

The Night

by Miia Harding aged 6

The moon is shining, stars are yellow
The trees are pointy and green
The wolves are howling in the night
The sea is glistening on till morning

The Tempest

by Joshua and Oscar aged 12

Alarming and spine chilling,
As the spirit awakes,
The storm approaches the ship,
As people are screaming in terror,
People begging for mercy as the vast storm approaches,
BANG! Suddenly we tasted the salty sea,
Spitting up from the Tyrrhenian Ocean,
What would you do in this situation?
And how would you react?

Callum’s the Best

by Callum aged 5

Izzy is going to get
a strawberry
bat dragon

Hot Day

by Jessica Chawla aged 5

Hot days in Summer
Orange sun in the sky
Licking up ice cream
It makes me happy

SPLASH! In the pool
In the water it’s cool
Underwater silent
I am a mermaid


by Rachel James aged 6

Flash then crash down in the wild, it’s very mild.
Clippety-clop, hooves in the shop,
Call the vet, she’s at tech.
I run then I trip, the bird gives a nip.
I cry then I try, then the bird flies
To a land, I hope it’s planned.

This Term

by Declan aged 6

This term I have worked
at a class in school
where I meet people
who are cool.

I Like Peppa Pig

by Rosie aged Pig

Peppa jumps in puddles.
Peppa fights with George
We don’t like Suzy any more
We like Peppa Pig