You and me are safe together,
Are safe around the world.
We were together since we met in school
But then the teacher threw us apart.
And this broke my heart.
But at playtime we meet,
Where we sit and eat!
First Poems
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Everyone is a great friend too
It will be the best of the year
But the year to you
Are looking at the moon
The Best Feeling
This is a feeling that you feel once in a while,
When you get something that travelled a mile.
Or the day that is like no other,
When you have a day out with your mother.
I feel this when I’m with my friends,
Or when I get something that my father had to mend.
When I get this feeling, it’s so appealing,
This is the best feeling.
Summer in Other Countries
The sun shone brightly outside
on the first day of summer
every child went out
and did not want to come back in the house for dinner.
Every sunny morning,
everybody saw adults and children playing
or walking a dog.
When the ice cream van came
everybody sprinted towards it.
Always, there were tons of children in the park
and playground
feeding the ducks, playing
and riding their bikes or scooters.
The Missing Cat
Once upon a time there was a little cat
The cat was a boy, his name was Alex
He had a family
His family was rich
But one night something strange happened
Alex kept on hearing strange sounds from the window
When he looked outside he saw a monster
The monster grabbed Alex and took him somewhere
And that was the last time
His parents saw him
(There’s gonna be a part 2. Stay tuned. I’ll see you next time.)
Bisa Football
Football in a barnyard
Is just so much fun
The Dog and the Cat
The dog and the cat liked to sit on the mat.
One day, the dog said to the cat, ‘This Mat is boring.’
The cat said, ‘Why is the mat boring?’
‘Because we always sit on the mat instead of having adventures.’
My Titanic Poem
Titanic was the biggest ship of its time,
When it set sail the bells did chime.
It’s maiden voyage was to New York
The tables were set with a golden knife and fork.
The Titanic was sailing on the Atlantic Ocean
Everyone was filled with happy emotion
The sea looked like a dark, still lake
Titanic hit an iceberg that made the ship shake.
The water rushed in and ship began to tilt
It wasn’t an unsinkable ship they had built.
706 people survived, but 1500 were dead,
And now Titanic rests on the sea bed.