The grass is wet now
I wonder how it got wet
I am making it dry now
I knew it
It was the hose
But who could have done it?
I think I know
Maybe it was my parents
But how will I ever know?
The cat sat on the mat
She saw a bat
She ran off the mat and chased the bat
She saw a big hat
And caught the bat
Under the hat
Just like that
I love muffins
but I do not have time to eat them
Why, why, why?
Four in our family.
I have a mummy.
I have a daddy.
There is a baby,
Who is my sister.
There is me.
I am fantastic
And majestic.
Working hard at school,
Makes you really cool,
When you grow up,
Things start to get tough,
Follow your dreams,
It’s easier than it seems,
I’m going to study crime,
To follow mine,
I want to be a Lawyer!
Lying on my pillow
Suddenly my sister woke me
And I was frightened
Then I went to my parents’ room
To tell them that my sister is waking me up
Again and again
And I can’t sleep,
I was very sleepy
I went to grandma
And told her that my sister is teasing me
So much again and again
I hit my sister, because she was afraid
She was afraid as she had seen a horror movie,
Then I told her, there is nothing real in a horror movie
She slept
It was Anabell the horror doll.
playful as a puppy
cheerful as a cheerleader
wriggly as a guppy
brave as an explorer
joyful as Joy
fresh as a flower
careful as a camel
pleased as a punch
clever as a discovery channel
tall as a wall
sunny as a sun
bouncy as a ball
fat as a bun
bright as a light bulb
precious as a jewel
small as a bug
light as a jewel
slow as a slug
spiky as a shot
lovely as a hug
lazy as a lion
I’m so emotional
I’m just lost of words
When I was a filly
My name was Milly.
When I was a filly
My sister was Billy.
When I was a filly
I ate chilli
When I was a filly
I was so silly.
When I was a filly
I was very smelly.